Overheard around campus

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Professor: “This is a safe zone for nerds. I’ll stick up for you.”

—Smith Hall


“My plan is to go to the bars in my cap and gown.”

—Campus Connector


Student: “Well, I was going to comment on the previously made point, before you went off on your little monologue.”

Professor: “I like to call it teaching, but go on.”

—Blegen Hall


“It’s supposed to be, like, 76 in a few days. That’s almost, like, 80, which is, like, hot!”

—Outside Moos Tower


“Have you ever cut your butthole?”

—Centennial Hall


Girl: “I’m a babysitter. I get paid to get licked.”

—Centennial Hall


Guy 1: “Why is he so mad?”

Guy 2: “I think he’s drunk.”

—Centennial Hall


“Is there a way to call England from our lab phones?”

—Tate Laboratory of Physics


“When I’m old my boobs will be saggy, and how am I supposed to find a boy then? Why can’t I just get married in my prime?!”

—Pioneer Hall


Read more here: http://www.mndaily.com/backtalk/overheard/2013/04/23/overheard-around-campus
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