CUSG reflects on the 78th Council and moves into the 79th

Originally Posted on CU Independent via UWIRE

Emotions were high April 25 as CU’s Student Legislative Council concluded its 78th session and entered into the 79th. Before the adjournment of the 78th council, the members who were leaving their positions reflected on their time in CUSG and left some advice for the newly inducted.

Juedon Kebede (Unite), Ashley Teresa Prince (Inspire), Brianna Lynn Majewski (Inspire) and David Bretl (Inspire) were sworn in as the new Representatives at Large after a long, yet rewarding spring campaign. New CUSG Executive Elects Chris Schaefbauer, Ellie Roberts and Marco Dorado who ran on the Unite ticket were inducted as well last night and promptly received hugs and well wishes from Student Body President Brittni Hernandez.

While the 78th council did have its ups and downs with debates over increased student fees and tuition, 4/20 and program cuts, the members found common ground when reflecting over their time in CUSG.

On the lack of student interaction with government:

“Sincerely and regularly reach out to your constituents. On various occasions, legislation wasn’t adopted because students allegedly weren’t contacted. This is a shameful excuse. It is the responsibility.”

-Zeke Johnson, vice president/representative-at-large, business

On being knowledgeable of how CUSG works:

“Make sure you know every document in [the CUSG] office. As student representatives, it is our job to come here running. We are student leaders; you should be able to absorb all of that to best serve the students.”

-Neelah Ali, representative-at-large, biology and ethnic studies

On passivity:

“Please don’t abstain when you vote. Your constituents elected you to have an opinion, and I think that opinion should be to vote yes or no.”

-Tyler Keesling, engineering school co-senator, civil engineering


“I am sad to see the 78th go but I glad to see the 79th come.”

-Alexis Scobie, former representative-at-large, political science

Contact CU Indpendent Staff Writer Ari Browne at

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