Student produced documentary film to screen at Center City


In the fall of last year, Hannah Levinson wanted to do a non-traditional thesis project for her major. Levinson is pursuing a Master of Arts in Methods of Applied Philosophy. Deciding to ditch the paper route, Levinson decided to find a new medium for her thesis.

As she began to speak with professors and advisers, she came across the idea of producing a documentary film.

Now only 7 months later, her film “From the Back of the Line” will be screening at the UNC Charlotte Center City building this Friday, May 3 at 7 p.m.

Levinson explains that the film follows the lives of seven undocumented immigrants in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the story delves deep into their day-to-day lives while also bringing up important topics that many shy away form speaking about.

“It talks about those things that aren’t usually taken into consideration when we talk about immigration policy and documented versus undocumented immigrants in America,” said Levinson.

“From the Back of the Lines” talks of the impact of immigration policies on families and shows personal accounts of those who have dealt with deportation proceedings of their beloved family members.

“The film aims to cultivate a better American landscape through diversity and build a greater depth of understanding within the Charlotte community,” according to the film’s Facebook screening page.

Levinson collaborated with many local area organizations, inside and outside of UNC Charlotte.

For the project, Levinson partnered with the Familias Unidas, United 4 The Dream, The Latin American Coalition, Action NC, NC Dream Team, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s Department of Philosophy, Center for Philosophy and Applied Ethics, Office of International Programs, Department of Latin American Studies and the Department of Communications.

Levinson funded the post-production of the film through the crowd-funding website IndieGogo.

There will be a question and answer session following the screening of the film with the filmmakers and those who shared their stories in “From the Back of the Line.”

The entire event is free and open to the public.

Check out the video above with an interview with Levinson, who speaks more on the process and creation of “From the Back of the Line.”

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