ASUO Constitution Court Justice Caleb Huegel allegedly leaked confidential information

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

In the midst of ASUO Senator Bryan Vanderpool’s motion to remove ASUO Constitution Court Justice Allison Apana from her seat, new claims have surfaced that  Justice Caleb Huegel has been leaking confidential information to the public and specific parties.

“I have received complaints from people saying that Justice Huegel has been leaking information to other parties,” Chief Justice Nick Schultz said. According to Schultz, the complaints have been from students and professional ASUO staff. “I’ve looked into them, and I’m still looking into them, but I have found no corroborating evidence at this point of time. Since there’s no corroborating evidence, I have zero intentions to go to Senate with this at this time.”

ASUO President Laura Hinman nominated Huegel for the position in October. In the ASUO Senate meeting that followed his nomination, some senators were concerned of Huegel’s past, and involvement as the president of the College Republicans, and overall being a very active member in college politics.

It was noted at the senate meeting that Justice Huegel voted for, and was a supporter of Hinman’s We Are Oregon campaign.

In the meeting, Senator Joe Junor asked Hinman if she had recruited Huegel for personal benefit. President Hinman said no, and that as far as she knew he wasn’t a volunteer and didn’t work for We Are Oregon.

“I have spoken to him, and he’s aware of the accusations, and I’ve told him that more than one person has approached me on it,” Schultz said. “But like I said, I still maintain that since there’s no corroborating evidence as of now, he’s done nothing wrong.”

Huegel released a statement regarding the allegations towards him.

“I firmly maintain that I have remained and will continue to remain an impartial and unbiased member of the ASUO Constitution Court,” Huegel said in his statement. “Furthermore, I would like to assure members of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon that I have already confessed any potentially concerning information regarding my involvement in college politics, and other potentially neutrality-comprimising activities…”

Huegel goes on in his statement to say that these claims are nothing more but defamation of character, and he commends Schultz for recognizing the lack of evidence that is towards the allegation.

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