Statement Piece

Originally Posted on The Triangle via UWIRE

statement01_webIt has been said, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” While that may be true, I say that jewelry is the window the soul. People get dressed in the morning by observing what the weather is and mentally organizing their itinerary for the day. This analysis helps one to decide what clothes to wear, but what about our accessories? The last thing one does, if an avid accessory fan such as myself, is put on jewelry. Jewelry gives an outfit a personal touch and reflects the person who wears it. Whether it’s minimal with classic metals or elaborate statement collar pieces, jewelry is expression. Jewelry can transition a look from day to night and add flair to a simple T-shirt or be the perfect accent to a formal dress.

Some examples of men and women in the media who know how to show their personal style are Rachel Zoe, Pamela Love, Nicole Richie and Johnny Depp. All of these celebrities have their own distinct sense of style, which is complemented by their taste in jewelry.

Thinking about my personal style, I recognize my eccentric taste in jewelry. I love statement pieces that include leather, Aztec prints, mixed metals and turquoise. My favorite ring is designed by Yves Saint Laurent and has a turquoise stone offset by an artful gold frame. I also wear bangles that have personal meaning, such as a skull bracelet given to me by my sister, as well as a “clique” bangle that my sorority sister bought me. I often mix in some dainty personal pieces such as a tiny rose gold love necklace written in Hebrew that reflects my heritage.

After reflecting on my personal style, I knew I couldn’t be the only one who exhibits my personality through my accessories. Therefore I selected two students: Erin Gort, a design and merchandising junior, and Harris Mizrahi, a photography sophomore, to find out about their views on jewelry and personal style.

What is your favorite piece of jewelry?

Erin: My gold bracelet with diamonds in the middle. It was my grandmother’s bangle, and it’s practically stuck on my wrist.

Harris: A necklace on a gold chain with gun revolver and two turquoise beads. It was my grandfather’s.

Does your jewelry exemplify your personal style or self?

Erin: Yes, all of my pieces are a piece of me. For instance, I have necklaces with charms, such as elephants, my birthstone and my initial. My jewelry has a bohemian influence like my style, but I gravitate toward daintier pieces. I also tend to mix it up with a statement necklace from time to time.

Harris: Yes, I enjoy masculine, solid, substantial jewelry. Normally my style is basics, but my jewelry shows my playful side. I love animal jewelry; I have a shark and a lion ring, which are both predatory animals. The lion is social and the shark is mysterious; they show the duality of my personality. Also, the gun necklace represents how I am a photographer, always shooting.

Would you give jewelry as a gift?

Erin: I do all the time. People compliment my jewelry, and then I buy it for them. It is such a personal gift to get someone.

Harris: Sometimes. The reason why I wouldn’t is only if I didn’t know the person. Jewelry is very personal.

Do you only buy expensive jewelry? Where do you normally shop for jewelry?

Erin: No, I mix and match. Usually the jewelry I find is under $30; I love Free People, Vanessa Mooney, and if I could afford it, Pamela Love.

Harris: Yes, I believe in quality over quantity. I don’t really look for jewelry; I just find it in local boutiques and at local vendors.

After talking to Erin and Harris about their personal views of jewelry, my ideas were confirmed. Jewelry is not an afterthought; it is the seasoning on the turkey, the finish on the wood, the glaze on pottery and the highlight of every outfit.

Coco Chanel once said, “Before you leave the house, take one thing off.” The amount of jewelry one wears is left up to one’s own taste, but I believe that one should always wear at least one piece of jewelry to be remembered by.

Image courtesy of Erin Gort

The post Statement Piece appeared first on The Triangle.

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