First edX Study Finds Collaboration is Key

A Harvard-MIT research group published its first journal article using data from the first course offered on edX: 6.002x: Circuits and Electronics.  At the core of edX’s mission is to use the massive amounts of data generated from student course usage to better understand learning and to improve both on-campus and online learning.  This article represents the first in many articles to follow on how students are using course resources.

One of the most notable findings is the strongest correlation with achievement in the course was whether students reported collaborating offline with another student.

Below are some of the graphics detailing course usage and student information:

Breaks down what learning resources students used to help solve homework, midterm, and final problems.

Breaks down what learning resources students used to help solve homework, midterm, and final problems.


Representation of students locations around the world.


Distribution of ages of students in 6.002x.




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