Short appointed as provost after semester of searching

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Paula Short has been appointed as provost after serving as interim provost this semester, President and Chancellor Renu Khator said in an email.

The Board of Regents will have to approve the appointment in its meeting on June 17.

The semester-long search process chose three candidates in May, and Short was not among them. Rather than rallying behind one of the candidates in the running for the position, the committee began gravitating toward its interim, Short.

Khator said after careful consideration of the two remaining candidates neither were a right fit for the needs of the University at this time.

“This week, I went back to presidents, vice presidents, deans, the UH Faculty Senate and the UH Student Government Association for another voice, and they are unanimously and strongly in favor of appointing Dr. Short,” Khator said.

In early May, Khator and Short announced an academic reorganization through the elimination and creation of positions.

The new structure has strategically designed positions to address major areas in academic affairs.

Students and faculty alike “should see a more responsive, supportive Office of Academic Affairs that is effective in helping faculty and students achieve success at UH,” said Richard Bonnin, interim associate vice president of UH Marketing and Communication and interim associate vice chancellor of the UH System.

Included in the reorganization is filling the provost position, also under the title senior vice chancellor for Academic Affairs and senior vice president for Academic Affairs and provost. A large part of the job involves academic leadership to optimally coordinate the UH System.

“The provost serves as the chief academic officer for a university and is a very crucial position,” said Student Government Association President Cedric Bandoh, a member of the provost search committee.

“All of the deans report to the provost, and this position oversees all academic programs and policies of the University. The provost also implements the chancellor and president’s vision as it pertains to student success.”

Additionally, the provost’s office initiates and oversees a broad range of programs that benefit students, which includes undergraduate, graduate, continuing and distance education programs.

The provost’s office also sponsors the progressive constructivist Charter School for grade school-aged children in the Houston community.

Although many of the duties of the provost may seem to fall in to faculty grounds, this position also means positive changes for students.

“Students should care because the provost can play an integral role in moving the University forward academically. Also, in terms of getting all of the colleges on the same page, such as with advising and career counseling, the provost can be the one that gets all the deans on board to move things forward in a timely and efficient manner.”

“We work closely with the provost on all things academics,” Bandoh said.

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