Secret Admirers

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To Any Girls Out There Who Are True Star Wars Fans,

If you come watch the original trilogy with me on this rainy day, you can ride me like a Tauntaun later.

—A Guy Who Can Make The Kessel Run In Less Than Twelve Parsecs


To The Guy Who Makes The Kessel Run Look Easy,

Stop doing the easy things and get with me. The idea of riding you like a Tauntaun makes my heart beat faster than the Millennium Falcon. In the words of EV-9D9, “I think you’ll fit in nicely” so let’s start these movies so I can see you work that forceful lightsaber of yours.

—A True Star Wars Fan



You remind me of a slightly moistened aspirin between a couple of spoons because you’re supremely crushable.




Baby, stop arguing with me in front of the class about your political views, and let’s just solve all of our problems naked in the family bathroom. Make love not war.



Girl Who Made Sandwiches Last Year At Pio,

You made my dining hall experience at the U enjoyable, and you make a dank-ass sandwich. You’re as fresh as the deli bread you work with.

—Every Guy Who Ate At Pio Last Year



Since we are in physics together, I wrote a poem in hopes that you will notice me:

The current of love flows between two

Those two of course are me and you

And though we may encounter resistance

I know that change will continue with persistence

Because of those ever abounding volts

Bringing things together like nuts and bolts

So whether it be capacitor or battery

You are what deserves highest flattery





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