Dr. Date

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Dr. Date,

I think my girlfriend is cheating on me. My friends told me they saw her out with another guy and they were getting pretty comfortable together. How do I bring this up to my girl without sounding like I’m accusing her?

—Cheetah, The Cheated



The fact that you’re concerned about your tone is already a good omen! Most guys would bust down her door in the middle of the day, frothing at the mouth, screaming “J’accuse! J’accuse!”

You’re miles ahead, Cheet.

As long as you’re as sensitive as you appear to be, you’ll be fine. Just tell your girlfriend that you’re feeling worried because your friends saw her out with another guy. She’ll fess up or explain, and yeah, maybe she’ll cry, but that’s not your fault. Don’t worry too much about how you sound — just be honest.

The crazy thing about life is that sometimes things really aren’t how they appear! For all we know, this is a Sid/Cassie situation and the other guy is a gay Scottish rugby player! You just don’t know. You’re smart to realize that you should be respectful and non-combative about this.

—Dr. Date


Dr. Date,

I just graduated college and am ready to move into the real world. There’s one problem, my love life in college wasn’t great. I’m not a virgin, but I’m still a novice when it comes to bedroom gymnastics. How do I improve my game so non-college girls don’t think I’m lame in the sack?

—Aspiring Gymnast



Don’t worry about it, Gymmy! Here’s a wild thing about the world: Not every college graduate has had tons of sex! A lot of people don’t swipe their v-cards until well into adulthood. Even more people swipe their v-card and then lose their wallet, so to speak.

There’s one weird, old tip that will make you excellent in the sack, no matter how experienced or virgy you are. And no, I’m not going to make you enter your credit card number to get it! Here it is: communication. You can read her body language and pick up on her signals; you can also just ask her what she likes — and tell her what you like, too. Whatever you do, keep the channel of communication wide open, whether it’s through dirty talk or verbose foreplay. The great thing about being two adults is that you can create a safe space together where you can explore — in fact, it will probably be a much more comfortable set-up than what most people have in college. Plus, older women know what’s up sexually — their experience might compensate for yours.

A parting word of confidence: I think you’ll be surprised by how much you already know. If you’re not sure, do a little research. Look up cunnilingus on WikiHow, bra. Also look up how to take off a bra, bruh. Then be yourself and go forth and multiply.

—Dr. Date


Dr. Date,

My boyfriend and I have been dating for four years. Earlier this summer, we talked about him proposing on the 4th of July under the fireworks. But the weekend came and went, and we’re still not engaged. I’m worried he might have got cold feet. Do I bring it up to him or just wait and see?

—Almost Married



I smell cold feet, but who can be sure! Maybe he just wants to surprise you. Maybe he couldn’t find the right ring. Either way, bring it up!

—Dr. Date

Read more here: http://www.mndaily.com/backtalk/dr-date/2013/07/09/dr-date
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