Freshmen flock to UO for IntroDUCKtion

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

Incoming freshmen traveled to the University of Oregon to check off their last enrollment requirements and plan their scholastic future at IntroDUCKtion on Sunday and Monday. The two-day orientation prepared the straight-out-of-high-school students for what will be their first year of college.

Students arrived at the Student Recreation Center early Sunday morning accompanied by a parent or two. They would soon be separated to participate into two separate but concurrent programs tailored to address their specific needs.

During the orientation incoming freshman Ryan Reder felt a little bit nervous when he though about going off to college, but like most students, any nervousness was quickly consumed by excitement.

“It’s interesting because I’ve never really experienced it before,” Reder said. “I think it will hit me the hardest when I’m unpacking everything in my dorm and my parents are leaving and when I’m all by myself, that will be probably be the most difficult thing.”

Reder said he heard a lot of great things about the UO and decided to come visit the UO campus last spring. Reder and his mother Christine traveled from Walnut Creek, Cal. for orientation. Christine participated in the parents’ orientation and said she was nervous and a bit anxious right before high school graduation but as they went through the process of planing for college over the last couple of weeks she’s really excited for him.

“There is a sense of comfort now after having come here and gotten a feel for the passion of the faculty to the all the duck helpers and of all the volunteers,” Christine said. “I think it’s a good place for him.”

During the interest session of the orientation, students and parents were invited to visit various booths set up on the second floor of the EMU. Holding a clipboard stuffed with papers in her hand, Beya Montero sat ready for questions behind an information table near the entrance. Last year, Montero was one of the Student Orientation Staff members that would interact with the incoming freshmen and be apart of the incoming freshmen’s orientation experience. This year Montero is working more behind the scenes as one of the two Student Directors for orientation.

“Our expectations for our first sessions this year was to just get through it and getting everyone what they needed so they could start UO in the fall and be confident they’ll have a successful year,” Montero said. “Everything is going great. We’re just trying to help as many students as we can.”

The students and their parents had the option to stay in the dorms overnight, and some students were able to meet their future roommates. Grant Hawkins was one of the incoming freshman that was able to meet his roommate for this year.

“We’re like copies of each other, and really similar so I’m pretty excited,” Hawkins said.

Other incoming freshman like Reder are forced to wait until August when they move in to meet their roommates.

“I just hope he’s not insane,” Reder said.

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