Dr. Date

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Dr. Date,


My boyfriend and I recently had a pregnancy scare, and he said right away that “obviously” we would get an abortion if I were pregnant. Not that I am against that, but he seemed to make that decision without even asking me what I thought. Now that the scare is over, I don’t know how to bring up those concerns with him without making it seem like I want to get pregnant. Help!


— Lookin’ For Sex, Not A Baby




Babe, I’m sorry. There’s nothing more stressful than a pregnancy scare — except maybe a partner who reveals a serious lack of care for how you feel.

Maybe you would have an abortion, but that’s not something that your boyfriend gets to decide. It’s something that you get to decide. Depending on the type of relationship you have, you might want his input and, in an ideal world, you’ll have his undying support. But at the end of the day, when push comes to shove and pregnancy tests come to little plus signs, it’s your body.

That he’d assume you’d go the aborsh route calls for a little summit — why does he think you’d go for that? Why does he think he gets to make that call? Does he feel like you’re in this together? Do you feel like you’re in this together?


Dr. Date


Dr. Date,


I have a problem. I cheated on my boyfriend last weekend. He was on vacation with his family, and me and my girlfriends went out drinking. One thing led to another, and I wound up at this guy’s apartment. I felt terrible in the morning, but I don’t know what to do. Should I tell my boyfriend or just make sure it never happens again?


— Unfaithful


Faith Hell,


Aw heck. You should tell him that you cheated on him. If you want to add, “But if you stay with me, I’ll make sure it never happens again,” feel free. But you owe him the truth — honesty is the bedrock of any good relationship. If you don’t have it there, you might as well not have a relationship.

Just try to imagine if he cheated on you — wouldn’t you want to know?


Dr. Date



Dr. Date,


My girlfriend and I have been dating for about two years, and it’s been great. But there’s one problem. I think things are starting to get a little stale in the bedroom. When we’re getting hot and heavy, it’s just not the same anymore. The passion isn’t there. I don’t know what to do. We love being together, but I think we both know the fireworks have been brighter in the bedroom. Do you have any tips so I can rekindle our passion? 


— Lost Lust


Lust and Found,


Baaaaabe! I got ya. Here are five things that might be effective. Let me know if you want more:

1. Do it in the car: The cramped spaces, the sweaty faces … You’ll be so psyched to get back in a comfortable bed together, you won’t even care how bland the sex is when you get there.

2. Role play: It’s not just for 40-year-olds!

3. Watch porn together: Snuggle up, crack a bottle of wine, pop some corn. And porn.

4. Bring food into the mix: A little chocolate syrup in the kitchen never hurt anyone.

5. Get rough with each other: In a consensual, safe, mutually understood way, duh.


Happy trails, bud.


Dr. Date


Read more here: http://www.mndaily.com/backtalk/dr-date/2013/07/17/dr-date
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