Man gets trespassing warning for activity in Anderson Hall bathroom

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By: Kia Farhang

University of Minnesota police banned a man from all West Bank buildings because of suspected sexual behavior in a bathroom stall in Anderson Hall last week.

Deputy Chief Chuck Miner said University police have received complaints about sexual behavior and invasion of privacy on the West Bank for more than a decade.

“It’s an ongoing problem,” he said.

In March, the department’s Coordinated Response Team used plain-clothes officers to arrest five people for “inappropriate activities” in an Anderson Hall bathroom.

“Generally, the folks we’re dealing with, as is the case here, are not affiliated with the University,” Miner said. “They come here for this specific purpose.”

Anderson Hall gets the most complaints, he said, but police also hear about incidents in Blegen and Willey halls.

As part of an effort to combat the complaints, an officer was setting up a camera outside the men’s bathroom July 10 to track when people entered and left, according to the police report. He saw a man, 51, enter the bathroom and waited about 20 minutes before following him inside.

The man started tapping his foot on the ground when the officer sat in the stall next to him. The officer tapped his foot, and they continued going back and forth for a few minutes.

The officer then heard “loud skin on skin rubbing noises” coming from the man’s stall, the police report said. The man started rubbing the officer’s foot with his shoe.

A few minutes later, the officer unlocked his stall door. The man did the same.

The officer then left his stall and identified himself as a police officer. The man said he was “just going to the bathroom,” the report said.

Police issued the man a trespassing warning and have banned him from all University buildings on the West Bank for a year.

In situations like this, Miner said, police most often issue citations for indecent exposure or disorderly conduct.

“Here, there was no exposing going on,” he said. “There’s going to be no further prosecution of this case.”

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