“Studying” Abroad: Liverpool

Our stay in Liverpool lasted just two days, but included one of the highlights of the trip. We were fortunate enough to spend the day at the local Range Rover factory, where we toured the facility and even test drove the cars.


Nick Weldon/Old Gold & Black

Just seeing the inside of the factory was a great experience, but actually driving the cars was pretty incredible. Our test drive was in no way traditional. All 25 of us tried out the cars on an intensive obstacle course that showcased the Rover’s off-roading capabilities.

Ironically, most of the people who buy them probably don’t even utilize half of the features.

We drove through swamps, up steep inclines and at one point had the car almost horizontal on the side of a hill. In other words, it was definitely not your average leisurely drive.

The actual city of Liverpool had a solid nightlife in the area we stayed, but overall it wasn’t that impressive. One local who had been to America compared it to Detroit, so not exactly the highest praise. Regardless, I think we squeezed out as most excitement as possible in 48 hours.

From Liverpool we took the train to Edinburgh. While the traveling was a real pain, it was completely worth it as the Scottish capital has been my favorite part of the trip so far. Our week long stay included a 22-mile bike ride, a whiskey tour, several castles and some incredible drink deals at the local clubs (1 pound vodka redbulls!).

Stay on the lookout for my next post.

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