Students ride in Critical Mass

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Critical Mass Houston 7.26

Hundreds of cyclists rode around Houston in Critical Mass Houston on Friday. The congregation of bicycle riders meet at 7 p.m. on every last Friday of the month at Market Square Park. | Courtesy of Chip Gates

For more than 20 years, thousands of cyclists and bike riders have gathered in cities across the U.S. on the last Friday of every month and ride for miles to celebrate their sport.

In 1992, the Commute Clot consisted of less than 30 riders in San Francisco and has since grown to more than 300 cities in the U.S. with a new name, Critical Mass. Critical Mass Houston began a few years ago with “100 to 150 riders on a good month,” according the Critical Mass Houston website. However, the number of riders continues to climb each month.

Critical Mass Houston gathers people from around the city who have at least one thing in common: they love to ride.

“I like that it is for everybody that enjoys getting out and riding their bike. I have seen parents bring their 8-year-olds riding their Huffy from Wal-Mart, and I have seen people do it on their unicycles,” said psychology junior Grant Ephross, who has participated for a year.

“I do it because it is fun in the cooler months. It feels good to get the fresh air. Since I am usually holed up in my room studying, it doubles as an excuse to meet up with friends.”

Philosophy senior Jennifer Mendoza has been participating for more than six months.

“I enjoy participating in Critical Mass because it’s an exhilarating experience to ride with fellow bike lovers. I like to ride with my boyfriend, and it has become our date night,” Mendoza said.

The ride, which usually begins at 7:15 p.m. can last around two hours, presenting a difficult challenge for bikers like construction management junior Javier Martinez.

Martinez loves to ride his bike but doesn’t ride it as often with his busy school schedule. He participated for the first time on Friday.

“I wanted to see how my endurance has grown since I first started riding. Since I didn’t finish the whole route, I am going to train to go back and attempt it in two months,” Martinez said.

Computer information systems sophomore Cristal Gonzalez has been riding for the past three months with a small group of friends and family and does it for the thrill of the ride.

“It’s so incredibly awesome, and it really gives me a chance to get out, put that expensive bike to some good use and be a part of this growing movement in the Houston community,” Gonzalez said.

Among her favorite things, Gonzalez loves the response the riders get while on the ride.

“It’s getting a chance to ride the city with a herd of people on their bikes, and the many spectators are either honking with you or honking at you, and I love seeing the communities we ride through. Second and Third Ward cheer us on, even if they don’t know what it’s for. It’s like we’re all riding some big parade.”

Critical Mass riders meet between 6:30 and 7 p.m. on the last Friday of every month at Market Square Park in Downtown.

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