Twin Cities bikers get more protections with new law effective Aug. 1

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By: Cody Nelson

New safety measures will keep bikes and cars farther apart on Minnesota roads starting Aug. 1.

The Legislature’s transportation bill prohibits parking or pausing in bike lanes and tightens restrictions on cars driving through bike lanes.

During the 2013 legislative session, there was some controversy regarding the bike-safety provisions. Some lawmakers said bike policy should be up to local governments, but the measure still passed the Minnesota House in an 80-49 vote.

The law also prohibits drivers from using a bike lane to pass a car on the right. But drivers can use a bike lane to park, if they have to.

If drivers need to make a right turn through a bike lane, the law says they must signal, then yield to any bicyclists before they make the turn.

For more on how police plan to enforce the new measures, pick up Wednesday’s Minnesota Daily. 

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