DuckLife: Here are five people to expect in the amphitheater (and the signs you’ll see)

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

If places had attitudes, the University of Oregon amphitheater would be one emotional roller coaster ride. Here are just a few of the many different personalities you’ll find walking through the social center of campus.

The “Jesus Loves You” Guy

If ever you’re wondering if you’re loved, the Jesus Loves You guy is there every day to remind you. Dependably holding his religious signs, often accompanied by a dog and a similarly decked out “Jesus Loves You” bike, you can expect to find this familiar gentleman standing at his self-appointed post at the top of the amphitheater incline. Stop by and say hello or just keep walking — you can try again tomorrow.

The religious folks

Whereas Jesus Loves You man is quiet and peaceful, periodically there’s an extreme religious foil. Expect to see one or two Bible thumpers on crates in the amphitheater every year. You’ll be able to recognize them before you see them — they’ll be the ones yelling about your damnation. Keep an eye out for guys preaching the end of the world, too. They haven’t been right yet, but you never know.

A capella out the wazoo

If yelling isn’t your cup of tea, stick around: The various a Capella groups on campus use the amphitheater to perform. Check out On The Rocks, the all-male singing group, every Friday at 4 p.m. The all-female group Divisi and the co-ed group Mind the Gap perform Fridays starting at 3:45 p.m.

Strange things happen all the time

Sometimes the amphitheater is the site of some strange activities, and as popular culture evolves, so do the things drawing students to this social hub. The Duck’s “Harlem Shake” video, for instance, managed to test the sheer number of people able to fit in the amphitheater while still participating in a weird but fun Internet meme. Who knows what students will do next in their drive to stay on the cutting edge of bizarre new trends?

The Alliance of Happy Atheists

If you still don’t feel loved whilst walking through the amphitheater, the Alliance of Happy Atheists has your back. AHA is out with its signs periodically, confirming that, yes, atheists also love you. These friendly people are content to hold their signs and answer the questions of curious students about secularism, atheism and the non-religious minority.

DuckLife is the Emerald’s magazine for incoming freshmen, made available during IntroDucktion. This story has been reprinted from the magazine in its original form.

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