Two Shoes
Make the day go
Put them on your hands
And get a work out
Or throw them in a tree
Or at a cat
Two shoes
Make the day go
Birds and Bees
Do the kids tell the truth?
About how babies are made
I’m not so sure
Those little rascals
And their imaginations
Thinking you have to pee
In a girl’s mouth
To make babies
But who knows
I haven’t tried it
Maybe it works
Look at the hottie
With that naughty body
The other objects don’t
Look as good
But in the end
It doesn’t matter
All of them are toys
And each one has
Its special place
Spreading happiness
And light
To the corners
Of life
Life is a dark place
We spend most of our life
Devouring other animals
Tearing off their legs
Ripping open their breasts
Destroying their environments
To make our shitty cities
Where more death and sadness occur
We are stuck in a cycle
That’s full of irony and hypocrites
By golly gosh
The bliss in it all
Ignorance makes the world go round
People try to predict the future all the time
Standing around and looking down
Pondering what is ahead for them
But most of their predictions suck
Will cars fly? Fuck no
Will the world end? Yes
But not until humanity kills it
Is 6 afraid of 7? Yes
7 8 9
The real predictions come from
It Is So Simple
Fortune Cookie
Gives hope to all the rest
These objects are the only predictions
That matter in life
Bang Bang
Many things go “Bang Bang”
The choo choo train
Colliding into a truck
The Martial Artist
Laying down the hammer
On the small deadly child
The mini bat
Breaking the skull of the salmon
The young boy running
And tripping over the curb
These cause pain
But one doesn’t
Two people in a basement
Grinding on that wood
Dry humping that clay
4 Liners
Roses are read
Violets are written
How many boys
Does it take to kill a chicken
Blue birds fly
Grasshoppers will die
But most importantly
One must say bye
Toenails are hard
Brains are gooey
When you mix them together
It makes you go pooey
Wrist watch
The only thing you can see
When my fist is in your ass
The torture
Slowly strangling your wrists
Or your ankles
When will the pain stop?
Bracelet Awareness
Needs to be known