Debate sparked at meeting regarding funds

Originally Posted on The Equinox via UWIRE

Student Assembly discussed funding requests and constitution approvals in this week’s meeting on Tuesday, March 10.

One funding request for $1,000 from the Barbell Club sparked debate among the assembly.

The money requested is for a two day weekend course to get a Crossfit Level One Certification.

The president of the club said there always needs to be one Level One certified member in the club.

She is graduating so another member will have to step into the role.

The student that would receive the training is a sophomore, but the certification lasts for five years.

Many members of student assembly felt the full $1,000 should not be contributed, but instead paid for by the student who was receiving the training since he would benefit from the certification years after his graduation.

One representative, Shaun Filiault expressed his belief that the student receiving the training contribute some of the money for the course.

Another representative Tyler King shared this sentiment and said that $400 should be contributed rather the full amount.

He said this since the student who would receive training would contribute to the school the two following years rather than the five years the certification offers.

Student assembly representative Ryan Scrivano disagreed with his peers and said these points were “nitpicky” and that they should allocate the whole amount to the club.

Student Assembly eventually reached a conclusion and voted to allocate $400 to the Barbell Club.

Society of Architecture Students also had a funding request.

The president and vice president of the group asked for $3,000 to send their students to a regional conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

They want all their students to go, as an event like this is crucial for the students studies and future career opportunities.

King said that the assembly should approve of this request of funds because these types of events are extremely important and rewarding.

Spending money on an event that actually benefits students and their future is very positive, he said.

In other news, Student Assembly approved the constitution for KSC Flux Dance Company, officially making it a club on campus.

Representatives from the club met last week with assembly but didn’t have an advisor at the time.

Assembly also approved edits to the constitution for Women’s Rugby that changes how captains are voted for.

The previous constitution was eight years old according to the clubs current treasurer.

Skyler Frazer can be contacted at

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