SAE, women’s soccer team to host #NickStrong Soccer Tournament to raise funds for injured niner


Photo provided by: Conner Traywick

Photo provided by: Conner Traywick

On Tuesday, April 21 UNC Charlotte’s Woman Soccer Team will join SAE to host a #NickStrong 7v7 Soccer Tournament. The event is being held to raise funds for Nick New

berry, injury UNC Charlotte student and SAE brother. Newberry is currently in a coma, suffering traumatic head injuries after falling down a flight of stairs

The event will begin at 7 p.m. and will take place at UNC Charlotte’s Recreational Fields. Currently, there are 26 teams registered to play. It costs teams $40 to register, and it costs attendees $3 to view the tournament. Teams can consist of no more than 12 players.

“My goal is to bring a community together to help a fellow Niner in need,” said Alex Weaver, member of the woman’s soccer team. “Nick is a close friend to the soccer team, so I made this tournament as a was for myself and my team as a way to give back to him and my family.”

All proceeds from the soccer tournament will directly benefit Newberry’s medical funds

For any questions regarding the soccer tournament, email:

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