BUSD scores slightly higher than state Common Core averages


Chen Gong/File

Common Core testing results released Wednesday indicated that the Berkeley Unified School District scored slightly higher than statewide averages.

Statewide results showed 56 percent below the English language and arts literacy standards and 67 percent below mathematics standards. BUSD students, in comparison, fell 42 percent below English standards and 46 percent below math standards.

“(The results) serve as a baseline for the districts to use as one measure moving forward,” school board member Josh Daniels said. “In general, we tend to do better than the county average and the state average. It’s very difficult to make comparisons with one year of data.”

Common Core is an outline of academic standards that aims to prepare K-12 students for college and postgraduate careers, with learning goals in English and math for each grade level.

As of this year, BUSD English classes now include more writing and nonfiction reading to match Common Core’s emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills.

The district, however, switched to math Common Core curriculum for kindergarten to seventh grade in the 2013-14 school year. Eighth graders switched in 2014-15 and ninth graders are switching this school year.

A team of teachers and mathematicians from educational nonprofit Eureka Math developed the pre-kindergarten through twelfth-grade curriculum to connect math to the real world by focusing on concepts rather than just procedures.

“One of the criticisms of American math for a long time has been that it’s a mile wide and an inch deep,” said Rebecca Burke, BUSD sixth through ninth grade math coach for the Common Core. “Which means that we have done a surface look at math rather than going deep into ideas with kids.”

The results also demonstrate significant achievement gaps among those from different ethnic, economic and linguistic backgrounds. For example, in BUSD, 79 percent of black or African American students tested below the English standard and 83 percent below the math standard, according to the 2015 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress.

“Most measures of student success in Berkeley show a gap,” Daniels said. “That’s something we have been working hard to address for a number of years and in particular under this superintendent and under this board.”

Angelo Paraiso-Arroyo, Berkeley High School junior and student director of the BUSD Board of Education, suggests that after-school programs and more one-on-one assistance to help students that are struggling could help close this gap.

“The district has an amazing educational system,” Paraiso-Arroyo said. “It’s what happens after school. You can only have six hours a day with the student.”

BUSD will be sending a letter to families along with their students’ test scores to provide context to this new measurement of academic performance, according to Daniels.

“Our students are human beings not test takers,” Daniels said. “This is one test that is just being developed.”

Contact Danwei Ma and Amelia Mineiro at newsdesk@dailycal.org.

Read more here: http://www.dailycal.org/2015/09/22/busd-scores-slightly-higher-than-state-common-core-averages/
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