Celebrity relations vs. KSC relationships

Originally Posted on The Equinox via UWIRE

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of “idolize” is to worship as a god.

The private lives of celebrities are publicized every day with just the click of a button.

Many entertainment outlets report on celebrities’ every move as a form of news.

Anyone can find out who the new hottest couple is and why famous celebrities file for divorce.

So why are celebrity couples so idolized? Some people would say they look up to celebrities as god-like figures.

Trends on Twitter such as the hash tags “#blessed” and “#iamnotworthy” show that thousands of people on the internet are keeping tabs on their favorite celebrities, and comparing themselves to these god-like figures.

KSC students prove that celebrity couples don’t always influence their own relationships.

Sophomore Abby Shea said she follows at least ten celebrities on social media, but “just likes to see what they’re doing”.

Cassie Barron/ Equinox STaff

Cassie Barron/ Equinox STaff

Many celebrities have social media accounts where they are able to publicize their glamorous lives.

According to Instagram, the married celebrities with the most followers are Kim Kardashian and Beyonce Knowles.

Beyonce shares pictures of her family, husband and musician  Jay-Z and daughter Blue Ivy, while traveling around the world.

Kim Kardashian often shares pictures of her daughter, North, styled in high end designer clothes.

Kardashian also posts pictures of gifts she receives from her husband, musician Kanye West, such as a wall of roses for Mother’s Day in 2014.

Couples at Keene State College differ enormously compared to celebrity couples. Most say they are not tainted by romance movies and novels and are not affected by the glamorized lifestyles of famous celebrity couples.

“Our relationship isn’t publicized,” Shea said, “We have control over what goes on the internet regarding us as a couple.”

Shea’s boyfriend, Brendan Cutuli, said he, as a male, doesn’t feel pressure from society.

“I do things for my girlfriend because I love her and it makes her happy,” Cutuli said.

Cutuli said he believes money “is only a material item.” He said he would do anything to see his girlfriend happy no matter what society thinks.

KSC Sophomore Amber Callanan said she doesn’t expect to be like a celebrity couple with her boyfriend.

“We live our own lives but also one together,” Callanan said, “We don’t worry about other people as much as celebrities do.”

Callanan said she isn’t worried because her relationship isn’t “under the star light.”

“We aren’t being watched 24/7,” Callanan said.

She continued,“We don’t have to feel the pressure of fitting into what society wants us to do.”

Shea said she believes her relationship is strong regardless of the long distance.

She said her boyfriend and her talk every day to keep the relationship lively.

As for expectations, KSC students differ on their opinions.

“My expectations don’t change because I know that we are both college students,” Shea said, “We don’t value our relationship based on materialistic items.”

Shea said she isn’t expecting a wall of roses for her next anniversary.

Callanan said her expectations may change a little “because celebrities appear to be perfect.”

In 2015, several celebrity couples filed for divorce. Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner as well as Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton have split this year, according to various news outlets.

KSC sophomore Sophia Freeman was saddened by the news of Garner and Affleck, but isn’t worried about divorce for her future marriage.

Freeman, 19, said she could see herself getting married to her current boyfriend of one year and two months.

“I think celebrities get divorced so much because of the pressure of society,” Freeman said.

She said she thinks the expectations of celebrity relationships are “too unrealistic for a college student.”

There’s no way to tell what the future holds for celebrity or student relationships.

One way to prevent an unsuccessful relationship is to ignore the standards set by society.

Not one couple is the same, so couples are encouraged to focus on their own relationship rather than ones they see online.

MacKenzie Clark can be contacted at Mclark@kscequinox.com

Read more here: http://kscequinox.com/2015/09/celebrity-relations-vs-ksc-relationships/
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