ASUO senate meeting wrap up

Decisions to confirm new ASUO officers and University Senate reps. delayed.

The first ASUO senate meeting of the 2015-2016 school year took place at 7 p.m. at Lillis.

Senator Kevin Dobyns, summer senate president, was nominated as senate president with Senator Quinn Haaga as vice-president. The final decision to confirm a new ASUO Senate president and vice-president was tabled for the next senate meeting.

The senate is looking to fill five University Senate seats for this year. Senator Zachary Rentschler, senator Zach Lusby, senator Max Burns and senator Kelsey George, among others were nominated. The list comes down to five male-identified nominees, despite senator Haaga’s call for more female-identified candidates. The decision moved to next week’s agenda. The nominated ASUO representatives will serve alongside 41 faculty, and will have the ability to vote on legislation regarding student conduct, grading, curriculum and granting degrees.

Senator Dobyns nominated himself and is the only ASUO Diversity Plan Committee Nominee as of tonight’s meeting. The ASUO Diversity Plan Committee helps improve the diversity on campus.

The senate will be working with a surplus budget of $428,190 this year. But, the senate is dealing with a $85,192 underrealized budget.

Two groups of the public spoke forum tonight. The University of Oregon chapter of the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG) announced its “Protect Crater Lake” campaign. This will serve as its key campaign of the year, involving a push to rally students behind protecting the wilderness surrounding Crater Lake National Park.

Frances Fu, Outreach Coordinator of the University of Oregon, introduced the UO Students for Sensible Drug Policy organization, and announced its role on campus to advocate influencing government initiatives, including but not limited to, treating drug addiction as a health issue rather than a criminal justice problem.

The senate did not receive any special request in tonight’s meeting

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