ASG senator Shawn King encourages meaningful change on campus

Originally Posted on CSU-Pueblo Today via UWIRE

ASG senator Shawn King | Photo courtesy of

ASG senator Shawn King hopes to make change on campus. | Photo courtesy of

Colorado State University-Pueblo student Shawn King believes students should use their strengths to engage in the university.

King, who represents the Associated Students’ Government as senator of the College of Education, Engineering, and Professional Studies, is set to graduate from CSU-Pueblo in May 2017.

“The opportunity to make a meaningful change in campus life and to positively impact each student’s experience while attending CSU-Pueblo is just as rewarding as earning any college degree by itself,” King said during his campaign for ASG senator.

He double majors in engineering and mathematics with an emphasis in mechatronics, and transferred from Pikes Peak Community College in the fall 2014 semester to pursue an undergraduate degree.

King, who hails from Texas, grew up in a military family and spent seven years in Germany before moving to Colorado Springs, where his dad retired from the Air Force.

His duties as ASG senator include setting up a Dean’s Advisory Council and liaising with engineering students to ensure that they are kept informed of any changes in the program.  He also serves as parliamentarian for the senate, which involves ensuring that Robert’s Rules of Order standards are followed during ASG procedures.

Aside from a full load of 19 credits this semester, King is involved in various organizations and committees on and off campus, including the Student Technology Fee Committee, the Information Technology Board Committee, the Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Criterion 5 Planning Committee, the ASG Internal Affairs Committee and the Parking Advisory Committee.

“Anytime anyone compares the successes of CSU-Pueblo, they look at the Hasan School of Business which is ranked among the top 15 percent of business programs nationwide,” King said. “What I would like to see is the other colleges and the other programs on campus get that kind of recognition and I want to see those programs improved and be successful.”

He got an engineering internship at UTC Aerospace Systems in Colorado Springs in June 2015, which has been extended until he graduates from CSU-Pueblo next year. Once he graduates, he said, he wants to continue pursuing work in the Aerospace industry.

King cites his sister as his role model because of her display of inner strength and perseverance in overcoming tremendous personal challenges.

His goal as ASG senator is to facilitate recognition of some of the lesser known programs at CSU-Pueblo.

King is also a member of the CSU-Pueblo’s Robotics team.


Editor’s note: This story is part of a series of profiles about members of the Associated Students’ Government at CSU-Pueblo.

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