6th annual Alpha Chi Honor Society book drive

Originally Posted on The Hartford Informer via UWIRE

The University of Hartford Alpha Chi Honor Society is collecting books for their annual book drive in support of the national program “Reading Is Fundamental.” They will be collecting books up until March 4.

They are kindly asking for gently used books for grades K–12 that will be donated to the University of Hartford Magnet School and the University High School of Science and Engineering.

Last year, the honor society donated 517 books, a record-high since they began the annual collection in 2011. Over the years, Alpha Chi has been able to donate an average of about 350 books per year.

I would say that we are reaching out to both students and faculty this year to help us match that goal. I would say that last year we reached that number through the involvement of students around campus.

The University of Hartford is committed to community and improving literacy is an important goal for the Hartford community and every donation helps to achieve it.

“For many of these students, they will be the only books that they will have to read over the summer,” Alpha Chi faculty advisor Dr. Donald Jones said.

Reading Is Fundamental is the largest nonprofit literacy organization in the U.S. while providing 4.5 million children with 15 million books and a growing number of literacy resources each year.

Collection boxes can be found near the circulation desk at the Mortensen Library or at tables in Commons and the Gengras Student Union’s Suisman Lounge from 12:15–1:45 p.m. on Feb. 25.

For more information, you can contact Dr. Jones at djones@hartford.edu or Alex Gannuscio at gannuscio@hartford.edu.

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