UO President Michael Schill to address tenure workload issue at BOT meetings

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

University of Oregon President Michael Schill will discuss whether non-tenure track faculty will stay or go with the UO Board of Trustees this week, according to the Register-Guard.

Non-tenure track faculty employment has increased in some departments, such as the College of Arts and Sciences, even as enrollment in the programs has declined. This leaves some non-tenure track faculty with fewer day-to-day tasks to work on as they used to. Schill aims to replace a “small number” of them with up to 100 new professionals in a few disciplines, interim Dean W. Andrew Marcus pledged, with the goal being an increase in tenure track faculty.

The faculty within the UO College of Arts and Sciences will be the first group to experience Schill’s idea, given the BOT accepts it.

The once-per-term BOT meeting will be held at the Ford Alumni Center this Thursday and Friday.

Schill announced his plan to funnel more of the budget into research and tenure-track faculty in early January.

Read more here: http://www.dailyemerald.com/2016/02/29/schill-to-address-tenure-workload-issue-at-bot-meetings/
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