What we’re thankful for

Originally Posted on The Triangle via UWIRE

Roy Caratozzolo III/TNS

Roy Caratozzolo III/TNS

It’s important to take some time out of our lives at least once a year to remember everything we have to be grateful for in this messed-up world. So, in light of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, we at The Triangle wanted to dedicate this editorial to all we have to appreciate.

To start, we’re grateful for a lot of things on Drexel’s campus. We’re ecstatic about the recent openings of Chipotle, Old Nelson and Blaze Pizza. We love that we’re sandwiched within walking distance of two well-stocked grocery stores.

While we’re at it, we’re thankful for all of the delicious food trucks that swarm our campus, which ultimately ensure our survival. Speaking of survival, all of us are extremely grateful for coffee and the abundance of coffee providers within spitting distance on campus.

We’re grateful to live in such a large and beautiful city where we can explore on foot and find entertainment for free in a variety of different areas, and we’re glad to have a campus that although urban still feels safe and cozy.

We’re proud that our school makes such an effort to support and ensure diversity and a culture of inclusion. As much as we complain about it, we love the co-op system and the experience and money it provides us with. Not to mention the opportunity to make connections that may help score us jobs straight after graduation.

We’re thankful for our incredible alumni, who evidently have been donating boatloads to our university this year, and all they have accomplished.

We’re grateful for the depth of knowledge, experience and patience our professors and advisors give us at all times. We’re thankful for the professors we’ve disliked or disagreed with for one reason or another because they’ve taught us how to work with people we don’t get along with… and given us a reason to call home and complain to our parents.

What’s more, we’re incredibly thankful for curved grades, pushed deadlines and the sympathetic professors that canceled classes the Tuesday before Thanksgiving break.

We’d like to take this time to thank our all-student staff for volunteering their time and effort to make this paper a reality week after week on top of their already full academic schedules. We know it’s not always easy.

Finally, thank you to our readers for supporting our efforts in student journalism.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. We hope it’s a good one.

Read more here: http://thetriangle.org/opinion/editorial-15/
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