Voices of the Community // Issue 1

Originally Posted on Whitman Wire via UWIRE

Photographer Samarah Uribe asks members of the community, “What’s one surprising thing you learned about your parents over break?”

  • Julio Escarce, Sophomore “I guess I found out how hard they’ve worked, in school…like, it never hit me before just how many hours they put in throughout the last 45 years of their lives to get where they are and to get me where I am, you know?” (Samarah Uribe)
  • Molly Kanagy, First Year “Over break I learned that I coming to college is as much as an adjustment for my parents as it is for me. That suddenly not having anyone else in the house has been a pretty big change for them too. ” (Samarah Uribe)
  • Julia Wilke, First-year” My dad really, surprisingly enjoys The Bachelor, no matter how much he doesn’t like to admit it, he will watch it with us and he will like it. That’s been pretty funny to observe. “
  • Taylor Harringron, Sophomore “I learned that my parents really appreciate me when I come home so I can help out with taking my sisters to different activities and help around the house a lot more. I think that that’s what I learned, that they appreciate me like that.”

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