Police rescue underweight puppy after UO student locks it in abandoned apartment for a month

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

On Nov. 30, the property manager at Uncommon Apartments called Eugene police after receiving an email from a tenant who had returned home to China and believed there was a dead dog inside his unit.

According to Eugene police, an officer entered the locked apartment and found a “severely underweight and lethargic puppy unable to stand.” The veterinary staff, who named the puppy Jake, estimated him to be 4 months old. After two days of around-the-clock medical care and two more months of close medical observation, Jake has reached a healthy weight and been adopted, according to an EPD press release.

Animal Services and Eugene police detectives found that the former tenant, an 18-year-old male UO student, left the country on Oct. 29 — a full month before Jake was discovered in the apartment. The man remains a suspect in the case, but has not returned or enrolled for the current term at the university.

According to the Register Guard, Jake was found lying in a dog bed when an officer entered the apartment. He lifted his head up when he saw the officer, but did not stand up. There was a bag of dog food in the apartment, but it was behind a closed door and Jake did not have access.

Eugene police declined to release the suspect’s name because the investigation is open and no one has been charged. The student’s visa has been canceled and he may face criminal criminal charges if he returns, the Register Guard reported.

Animal Services encourages people to “consider their lifestyle before bringing home a pet.”

An animal welfare officer carries Jake. (Eugene Police)

Jake receives medical attention. (Eugene Police)


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Read more here: http://www.dailyemerald.com/2017/02/09/police-rescue-underweight-puppy-uo-student-locks-abandoned-apartment-month/
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