Coming together as a class one last time for Senior Picnic

Originally Posted on The Equinox via UWIRE

Leaving friends and familiarity behind is making many Keene State College (KSC) seniors resistant to graduate. On Saturday, April 29, KSC Student Government teamed up with the KSC Kronicle Yearbook to host the annual senior picnic, created to be a last get-together for the senior class to reminisce and celebrate the accomplishments made in their four years.

Colton McCracken / Equinox Staff

Colton McCracken / Equinox Staff

The picnic, hosted on the A-Field on campus, gave seniors a chance to pick up their yearbook, choose a complimentary pint glass from KSC’s Kronicle, play games and eat cook-out-style food provided by Sodexo.

KSC junior and Kronicle Business Manager Lindsay Perella said although she is not graduating just yet, she understands how important this event is for seniors. “It’s good to see the senior class at a final event and have everyone together one last time,” Perella said.

The free food was a big reason KSC seniors interviewed by The Equinox said they came to the event. “I was planning on coming to grab my yearbook, but then I heard they were having a barbeque so I stayed,” KSC senior Linda Lauture said.

Colton McCracken / Equinox Staff

Colton McCracken / Equinox Staff

Lauture added she was glad she stuck around because she believes these are the types of events students remember once they graduate.

KSC senior Sydney Shultz said the event made her feel appreciated for her hard work as a student. “I think it’s nice to be congratulated and to have the whole senior class do that together,” Shultz said.

Along with getting the class together, KSC senior and President of the Class of 2017 Noah Macri said this event is a good way to unwind before finals week. “It’s time to hang out with your friends, play some games and have some fun because finals are stressful,” Macri said.

Both Shultz and Lauture said the thought of graduating soon is bittersweet, but added they are grateful for the time they had at KSC.

Olivia Belanger can be contacted at

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