Final senior remarks from the Class of 2017

Originally Posted on The Equinox via UWIRE

To the fellow graduates of 2017,

Senior year of high school, you begin applying to colleges. You tour numerous schools, examining each campus— their size, beauty and potential.

You do your research on their majors and programs, making sure their food is good and making sure the campus community is the perfect fit for you. After looking into all of this, you design your path for the next four years.

Samantha Moore / Art Director

Samantha Moore / Art Director

Four years turned into just a few days pretty quickly. It’s hard to believe we have to pack up all of our things and leave the wonderful world of Keene State College (KSC).

It seems like it was just yesterday when we were walking down Appian Way in what was the most uncomfortable “walk-in” ceremony that we have all been a part of.

When people say, “It goes by fast,” they weren’t lying. Here we are Class of 2017. We’ve made it. The white fences have been set up, the chairs are in place and our graduation gowns are waiting to be taken off the hangers.

This is the time for us to remember, reflect and celebrate the times we’ve had at KSC.

We can’t dwell on the tests, papers and labs that we’ve failed, the late night Dominos calls or the countless hours we’ve spent at the bars. We can’t think about the chances we should’ve taken or the things we shouldn’t have done that one night.

This time is to reflect on all the greatness we as a class have created throughout our four years. We have to remember the feeling of our first day at Keene State College (KSC), the moment when we opened the door to our own, very first dorm room.

The first night out and stopping at Ramunto’s for your single slice of late night pizza.

The moment you reached the summit of Mount Monadnock for the very first time and the view was nothing but amazing.

We’ve survived countless hours of homework, studying and professors we’ve loved and, oppositely, didn’t quite get along with.

We’ve stood in lines that wrapped around the corner just trying to get into Cobblestone Ale House and Lab N’ Lager, whether it was through rain or shine.

We can never forget the day the Boston Red Sox won the 109th World Series and the car that was flipped in the commuter parking lot.

We’ve lived through not one, but two famous Keene, New Hampshire, Pumpkin Festivals.

It’s hard to grasp that you won’t be saying hello to the people you would normally see every day.

We have something special here at KSC, whether you’re on a sports team, in a club or just having fun with your friends; we’re all a part of this community.

We’re about to turn the page and move on to the next chapter in our lives. We will all embark on a new journey.  Saturday, we will retire as students and become alumni.

I’m lucky to have the opportunity to be a part of Keene State College (KSC). We’ve all experienced it together.

Shelby Iava can be contacted at

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