Lea Nolette
Scriptor Member
Scriptor is a relatively new organization to the Keene State College Campus, so any and all are invited to get involved.
Originally the product of the University of New Hampshire, Scriptor is an undergraduate fiction journal written and published by students. Keene State students have joined in this endeavor and will collaborate to produce the journal. They do various flash fiction contests throughout the year, as well as a printed version of the journal at the end of the semester.
At the moment, we are attempting to get an editing team together, so the timing of meetings is still flexible. More than likely, we would meet in the Center for Writing once everything is set in stone. Scriptor does in fact have a Facebook page to follow: Scriptor at Keene State College.
If anyone is interested in joining the editing team or if you just want more information about getting your submissions printed, you should write out an e-mail to either Lea Nolette or Veronica Spadaro for further information.