Concern for Kids and Love for Music Drive Aaron Brown’s Ambitions

Originally Posted on The University News via UWIRE

Aaron Brown is a sophomore and a rising star in men’s a capella. Aaron chose to come to SLU because of the Jesuit approach
to learning, the way the campus had a city feeling to it, and how there was an academic challenge. Moving from his home in Kansas City, Mo., to attend SLU, Aaron left behind his family,
cats and dog.

Initially majoring in Secondary Education and English, Brown decided to switch to majors in Sociology and Economics. Part of the reason for the switch was because, despite enjoying teaching and tutoring kids, he didn’t know if he really wanted to be a teacher.

“If I really wanted to go back to it [teaching],” Brown said, “I could always get certified without a degree, if I want to do high school. I thought I would branch out, [and] try something new while I had time.”

Brown is currently uncertain about what exactly he plans to do after graduating, but has a variety of ideas, such as attending law school, working as a city planner or organizer, and studying how society is set up within cities.

“I wouldn’t mind being a government worker or being in the private industry, “Brown said, “but something where I’m at least helping people would be ideal.”

Brown is involved in a variety of things at SLU, including Honors, League of Laughter and Overground Railroad.

Overground Railroad is something Brown especially enjoys, saying “I like working with kids a lot. I think it’s a lot of fun, and I
always kind of enjoyed doing that tutoring aspect and seeing them figure out something.”

Aaron Brown is best known for his participation in the Bare Naked Statues. He was elected to be the concert chair for the
2017 year and was in charge of BNS’s spring performance, Escape from Alcatraz. As concert chair, Aaron works on writing script, recording, editing videos, designing posters and tickets, obtaining guest performers, booking a venue, organizing tabling and reservations, and helping with costumes. While others help him, Aaron is one of the driving forces behind the creation of the BNS concert, something that is both incredibly stressful and exciting.

Brown is also the concert chair for BNS’s upcoming concert, the theme being Bare Naked Slumber Party. While the script for the concert’s video hasn’t been fully finished, the bare (naked) bones of the project have been built. Brown is looking forward to filming the video, a task that involves all of the members of BNS, as the videos are fun to shoot — even if people do forget their lines.

“As long as they get the main gist of what I’m saying, then it’s fine — just as long as they get the plot going and what
they say is funny,” Brown said with a laugh.

Bare Naked Slumber Party will be performed on Dec. 7 in the St. Louis Room. While Aaron notes that there is a lot of work that goes into the formation of the concerts, it all pays off. As Brown puts it, “At the time it’s stressful, but you feel proud afterwards.”

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