Wildflower Center employee tests positive for COVID-19, UT says

An employee at the University’s Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center tested positive for COVID-19 while another displayed symptoms for the virus, UT announced Wednesday in an internal email to University employees.

The symptomatic employee has been tested for the virus and is waiting for results. All impacted employees have been isolated, according to the Wildflower Center. No other staff members are currently experiencing symptoms.

The announcement comes after 10 UT custodial staff members tested positive for COVID-19 in May. As of right now, there have been more than 3,000 COVID-19 cases in Travis County, according to KVUE.

The Wildflower Center closed today after learning about the ill employee Tuesday, according to its website. Ticket purchases will be refunded, and bookings from members will be canceled. The center said it will stay closed until further notice.

Read more here: https://thedailytexan.com/2020/06/10/wildflower-center-employee-tests-positive-for-covid-19-ut-says
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