Preparing for the LSAT: Tips on where to begin studying

Preparing for the LSAT: Tips on where to begin studying

Michael Drummond/File

I just started studying for my LSAT test coming up in October. As someone who comes from a family with absolutely no lawyers or connections to help out, I found myself lost on where to begin my studies. Starting can definitely be the hardest part, but now that I’m a few weeks in, I have some ideas on how one might prepare themselves to begin their LSAT journey. Here are a few tips I’ve compiled to help you get started too. 

Diagnostic test

Take a diagnostic test. It is highly recommended that before you even think of studying, you first take a full three-hour LSAT exam to give yourself a starting line. It’s a good way to gauge where you’re at. And you will feel so good the next time you take one and see the improvement!

Find your study technique

Figure out the best study technique for you before you buy anything. It’s no secret that before law school even starts, it’s already pricey. The two main paths you can take to learn are taking online courses and self-studying. An online course can be beneficial for someone who needs the accountability of their peers or an instructor, but if you go this way, you’ll definitely need the funds. On the other hand, self-studying requires your time management and discipline to remain on point, but it also won’t break your bank as much. Especially if you can find some good deals on your books (secondhand or coupon code hunts recommended)!

Suitable stationery

Stationery matters! One of the first things that I realized in my first weeks of studying was that my regular note-taking supplies were no match for the LSAT. I’ve been utilizing color-coding like never before. By that, I mean highlighters galore! It has saved me when reviewing concepts and all the new definitions that have come my way. The LSAT is broken down into three main sections: logical reasoning, logic games and reading comprehension. You’re going to want to get different folders so that you can stay organized and have a full grasp of what you’re learning or what you need to spend extra time studying. 

Solid scheduling 

Create a solid study schedule. The LSAT Trainer has super easy plans to follow along with its book, based on how many weeks you have to prepare. Following along the plans and adjusting to internships, work and any other responsibilities has helped me stay in check. OK, well, maybe there have been some slip-ups here and there, but I never said I was perfect!

Watch the holy grail of movies 

Watch “Legally Blonde” at least once. If you’re really planning on pursuing law school, you have to watch the holy grail of lawyer movies. Elle Woods has been my idol for as long as I can remember. Her hot pink courtroom outfit will forever be iconic! But in the spirit of getting into the LSAT mindset, Elle Woods will surely motivate you — she did get a 179, after all. 

Those are just a few of my tips for getting started on your LSAT grind. Happy studying!

Contact Marissa Boling at .

The Daily Californian

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