Book ban attempts in Texas public libraries are racist, homophobic

Originally Posted on The Cougar via UWIRE

Book ban attempts in Texas public libraries are racist, homophobic

Book ban attempts in Texas public libraries are racist, homophobic

Juana Garcia/The Cougar

Recently in Texas, there has been an initiative to ban certain books from public libraries and school libraries. This rush to ban certain books is based on the false idea that critical race theory has infiltrated education. It also discriminates against authors of marginalized groups.

Back in October, Rep. Matt Krause of the House Committee on General Investigation launched an investigation of school libraries claiming that certain books will make students uncomfortable. Gov. Greg Abbott supported this and state officials began looking through books in public schools to get rid of inappropriate content. People have also set their sights on public libraries for inspection. 

This is no surprise after Texas banned critical race theory in schools. It’s important to note that critical race theory is actually never taught at the grade school level. It’s usually taught in law school. Some of its main ideas are that race is a social construct and that racism is created by racist laws and legal systems. 

This is simply a way of analyzing laws and it is definitely not taught in public schools. So instead of banning critical race theory books, since they really aren’t found in schools, the attention has been toward banning books from Black authors. 

Some of the books targeted by the investigation like “Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendal critique feminism’s lack of on racism and classism. This is far from critical race theory. Feminism has become very mainstream so it’s good for students to have the resources to learn more about it. 

Some of the books just feature Black coming of age stories like “The Black Flamingo” which is about a mixed-race gay teen who later gets involved with drag shows. Many of the books aren’t even explicitly political but just feature Black and LGBTQ characters. White state officials are trying to censor Black people talking about their experiences, which is racist.

Just because some people don’t want to hear about racism doesn’t mean it goes away. Young people should be able to learn about it from libraries. 

Another large portion of book ban attempts by Krause’s investigation target LGBTQ content. In fact nearly 60 percent of the books on a long list of books involved in the investigation contain LGBTQ content.

Many of these books are written by LGBTQ authors so once again this investigation into ‘inappropriate’ children’s books just turns into censorship of a marginalized group, which is discrimination.  

Some parents don’t want their kid exposed to this when going to the library. However, parents can just control what their kids read. These books are simply available in school or public libraries, rather than required school readings. If parents don’t want their kid reading books with gay people in it, they should just monitor what their kids check out from the library. 

Additionally, a lot homophobia stems from religion. A publicly funded library shouldn’t even be able to ban LGBTQ content as that favors religion in a publicly funded institution. 

The books people want to ban are not necessarily inappropriate for kids to read. Many just feature narratives centering people of color and LGBTQ people. Even if there are books that are more political in nature, it’s good for kids to learn about other opinions so that they can develop their own. 

Again, if parents don’t want their kids to read these books, they just need to monitor what their kids read.

These book ban attempts stem from unfounded fears of critical race theory, endorse racist censorship and support religious homophobia. Libraries are supposed to be a place of learning. Even if that learning is about something other people disagree with.

Anna Baker is an English senior who can be reached at

Book ban attempts in Texas public libraries are racist, homophobic” was originally posted on The Cougar

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