Why Does Dasani Have Salt?‍

Drinking water is important. Drinking water that tastes like a salt lick, not so much. In the face of shortages and contamination, people are looking for alternatives to ordinary tap water. Natural drinking waters like artesian wells, springs, and other groundwater sources are becoming more popular as people search for healthier drinking water options. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to fresh spring water where they live. Millions of Americans rely on public water supplies for their drinking water needs. Some municipal water suppliers add minerals such as sodium or potassium chloride to improve taste and reduce corrosion in the pipes — but why do they also add salt? Here’s what you need to know about DASANI having salt.

Why Does DASANI Have Salt?‍

DASANI is a brand of bottled water that is owned by The Coca-Cola Company, and it has a very high sodium content. It is true that many people are not aware of the fact that DASANI has salt, but it does have salt. In fact, DASANI has as much sodium as two slices of white bread.

What Is Salt?

Salt is a dry crystalline mineral composed of sodium chloride. This white, odorless and nearly flavorless mineral has been used as a food preservative and also as an essential nutrient for human life for thousands of years. Salt is commonly used as a flavor enhancer for many different types of food and beverages including soups, stews, baked goods, and snacks. It is also used to make some soft drinks, mix cocktails, and in some canned vegetables.

Health Risks Associated With Chlorine And Salt

  1. Chlorine is a poisonous gas and is a common ingredient in municipal drinking water. It is also used to clean swimming pools and other swimming areas.
  2. Chlorine and salt are both used to disinfect water, but chlorine, when added to drinking water, turns into a toxic gas called chlorine dioxide which can be harmful to humans.
  3. Chlorine dioxide can be harmful to the eyes, nose, throat, and skin. It can irritate the skin and may cause severe burns if it comes in contact with human skin or eyes. Breathing chlorine dioxide gas may cause lung irritation or even death if it comes in contact with the lungs or other parts of the respiratory system during inhalation. It can also irritate the eyes causing eye pain, blurred vision, temporary blindness, or permanent damage to your vision if you come into contact with it during inhalation or eyesight during vision exposure.
  4. Chlorine dioxide reacts quickly with organic materials such as fats and proteins causing them to break down (oxidize). The resulting products include chlorinated dioxin which is highly toxic to humans and animals (see below). The breakdown products of chlorinated dioxin are more toxic than chlorine itself because they persist longer in the environment than do their parent compounds which means that they continue to remain active for longer periods of time in the environment.
  5. The breakdown products of chlorinated dioxins are extremely persistent environmental pollutants that accumulate over time in the soil, water, and other natural systems.
  6. The main human health effects of chlorine dioxide are irritation of the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Exposure to chlorine dioxide can cause eye pain, blurred vision, temporary blindness, or permanent damage to your vision if you come into contact with it during inhalation or eyesight during vision exposure.
  7. Chlorine dioxide gas has been linked to liver cancer and is a suspected carcinogen (carcinogen). It is also linked to reproductive toxicity and developmental effects in laboratory animals including birth defects and increased rates of cancer in laboratory animals exposed in utero. It is classified as a Class 2B carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) meaning that it may possibly cause cancer in humans but there is not enough evidence at this time to show that it causes cancer in humans.
  8. Chlorinated dioxins are toxic chemicals that are formed when chlorine reacts with organic materials such as fats and proteins causing them to break down (oxidize). The resulting products include chlorinated dioxins which are highly toxic compounds. They have been identified as persistent environmental pollutants because they accumulate over time in the soil, water, and other natural systems. Chlorinated dioxins can be found in many types of products including plastics, paper products such as food packaging materials, textiles such as clothing or carpets, household cleaners, paints, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, and pesticides.
  9. The main human health effects of chlorinated dioxins are irritation of the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Exposure to chlorinated dioxins can cause eye pain, blurred vision, temporary blindness, or permanent damage to your vision if you come into contact with it during inhalation or eyesight during vision exposure.
  10. Chlorine dioxide gas has been linked to liver cancer and is a suspected carcinogen (carcinogen). It is also linked to reproductive toxicity and developmental effects in laboratory animals including birth defects and increased rates of cancer in laboratory animals exposed in utero. It is classified as a Class 2B carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) meaning that it may possibly cause cancer in humans but there is not enough evidence at this time to show that it causes cancer in humans.

Why Doesn’t Everyone Have To Put Up With Chlorine And Salt?

  • Chlorine is a toxic chemical that can cause cancer and other health problems. It can also cause skin irritation and respiratory problems.
  • Chlorine is a known carcinogen and it is also known to be very corrosive to human tissue. This means that it can corrode the skin, damage the eyes, burn the lungs and even cause cancer.
  • Chlorine can give people headaches, nausea, dizziness, or shortness of breath when they drink water that has been contaminated with chlorine byproducts such as chloroform or trihalomethanes (THM). These byproducts are formed when chlorine reacts with organic matter in water such as decaying vegetation or organic material in household sewage.
  • There are some people who may be more susceptible to adverse health effects from drinking chlorinated water than others because of their pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, epilepsy, pregnancy, or cancer patients who need to avoid exposure to chlorine at all costs if possible due to the possible dangers of exposure to these chemicals.
  • The addition of chlorine destroys many essential nutrients in the water including calcium, magnesium, and other minerals found in treated water supplies which can lead to serious health problems for those who drink this type of water on a regular basis over an extended period of time.
  • The smell of chlorine may make people feel sick if they are sensitive to it because certain types of bacteria produce compounds that smell like chlorine which makes them more dangerous than normal bacteria which don’t produce these compounds.
  • Water that has been chlorinated may become cloudy due to the formation of byproducts such as trihalomethanes (THM), which have been shown to be a carcinogen in animal studies and is also an irritant to the skin and lungs.
  • There are people who are sensitive to chlorine and who suffer from various health problems when they drink water that has been chlorinated.
  • Some people may not like the taste of chlorinated water because it tastes bad or because it tastes funny due to the presence of other chemicals like THM, which makes it taste awful or smells funny.
  • Chlorination can also cause scaling on metal pipes that contain chlorine, which will make them look rough or corroded when they have been exposed to chlorine in their water supply for a long period of time, so this is another reason why some people don’t like drinking chlorinated water on a regular basis.

Bottom line

The bottom line is that DASANI has salt in it because it is added to municipal water supplies as an anti-microbial agent that helps to kill microbes. In the unfortunate event that your water supply uses chlorine as a disinfectant to kill off harmful microbes, consuming water with salt in it will expose you to the risk of consuming harmful disinfection by-products. If you have access to a water treatment plant that uses an alternative to chlorine, you can avoid consuming these harmful disinfection by-products by choosing a different brand of water than DASANI.

The post Why Does Dasani Have Salt?‍ appeared first on Marquette Tribune.

Read more here: https://marquettetribune.org/why-does-dasani-have-salt/
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