Remi Wolf brings her energy to ATL

Originally Posted on Technique via UWIRE

Former “American Idol” contestant Remi Wolf is currently on tour in the U.S., and she played at the Eastern in Atlanta on Oct. 3, 2022. 

Wolf was born and raised in Palo Alto, Calif., where she discovered her love for music at an early age. After “American Idol,” she graduated from University of Southern California Thornton School of Music, and shortly after began releasing her own music. Her first and only full-length studio album, “Juno,” was released in October 2021.

Her songs have also been in a few different media outlets. She was contracted by Apple to make a song for an iPhone commercial, “Hello Hello Hello” which was also mixed and mastered by Polo and Pan. This song also appears on one of her EPs, “I’m Allergic to Dogs!” 

The show began with her opener, Orion Sun. As an R&B and soul artist, Orion Sun brought all the vibes to the venue. Her smooth and crisp voice lit up the room, as she appropriately played one of her more well-known songs, “Smooth.” She also had “dirty dancer” and “concrete” on her setlist, which are two of her most recent releases. Her calm aura was a perfect precedent for Wolf’s show.

Wolf opened with “Quiet On Set,” one of her hit singles off of “Juno.” Warm tones of red and orange flooded the stage. One of the coolest set pieces was a giant tree of flowers, which contained color-changing bulbs that were synchronized to the beat of each song. Throughout the show, there were also funky projections on the back wall. 

All of the physical pieces emulated Remi’s energy in all the right ways. Bright, vibrant and retro energy, which are reflected in her music videos and album covers, is Wolf’s notable essence. Her curly hair was tied up into two high pigtails. She wore loose jeans and a tee; the perfect outfit for how much she danced and jumped around on stage. 

She played other notable songs like “Guerilla”, “Liz”, “Michael” and most famously (due to TikTok), “Photo ID.” Her music consists of a variety of genres, from soft pop to rock. She has incredible stage presence, as does her band. She has an impressive vocal range and ability to belt for long periods of time. 

As the encore piece, she did not actually sing one of her songs, but rather took a spot on the drums. She and her drummer switched roles so the audience could see what an amazing drummer she is. Her drummer claimed not to be a singer, so he instead shouted a few words of affirmation he had written down before the show. 

Some of the crowd’s favorite lines included “I know how to do my taxes” and “I am Dua Lipa.”

Afterwards the band left the stage as Wolf waved goodbye to her audience. Wolf definitely has one of the most unique voices and vibes of any upcoming or well-known artist.

Her American tour ends mid-November, so do not miss the opportunity to experience one of her shows.

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