Exam preparation guide, resources for finals

Originally Posted on The Cougar via UWIRE

Iqra Rafey/The Cougar

With the fall semester approaching its end, finals season is here. Here is a list of resources the University offers and study tips to prepare you for final exams.

The Undergraduate Student Success Center offers a tutoring service called LAUNCH for courses such as biochemistry, biology, chemistry, economics and more. Tutoring services are available during the week and available to all students.

In addition to studying for final exams, the skills necessary to write a well-crafted research paper are imperative for many courses. As a result, the UH Writing Center can be an excellent resource for one-on-one consultations with trained staff and students. This resource can be a tool for peer review and editing advice.

While the resources above can be a great starting point for your success, utilizing effective study habits is essential. 

The first thing to do is plan your study sessions for all your final exams. This way you get a better handle on how much work you’re facing, making studying less daunting and overwhelming. Use a calendar to set alerts and reminders to help you stick to your plan. Additionally, make sure you start planning your study schedule early. 

“I start studying one to two weeks in advance,” said biology junior Vivienne Pham.

 Organize your studying in order of importance and concepts that need more practice. Topics that certainly will be on the exam and the ones that you struggle with the most should be reviewed first.

Try to form study groups and talk it out with classmates. Make plans with them to review the class material, compare notes or work through tricky concepts. You can also study more effectively and critically by discussing the information with a study partner.

Try to get creative with your studying. Taking notes while reading a textbook, rewriting important information, creating flashcards, using mnemonic devices and solving as many problems as possible.

Furthermore, while it may be tempting to pull an all-nighter and cram everything in at the last minute, it’s a bad idea. This will cause additional stress and affect the way you retain information long-term. 

Studies show that for your brain to properly function, it requires eating healthy, drinking water and resting. In addition, because our brain requires glucose to function, eating something that will spike your glucose levels can give you another burst of energy.

Lastly, the environment you choose to study in can have a great impact. The UH campus has numerous studying locations such as the library, the student center and the outside greenery to name a few. Surround yourself with motivated classmates to create a positive studying environment where everyone can succeed.


Exam preparation guide, resources for finals” was originally posted on The Cougar

Read more here: http://thedailycougar.com/2022/11/21/exam-preparation-guide-resources-for-finals/
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