SLUnatics: The Pulsating Heartbeat of Saint Louis University

Originally Posted on The University News via UWIRE

Arriving at Saint Louis University in August 2022, I was both excited and nervous to find my place. While I knew that I wanted to excel academically, make lasting friends and find my niche on campus, I initially struggled with the transition to college. Although I tried my hand at an intramural sport and attempted to Frankenstein a friend group together, my overall lack of committed involvement seemed to be the root of many of my challenges. However, my general outlook on college seemed to change when I attended a SLU basketball game that October.

On Oct. 24, 2022, I attended a SLU men’s basketball game at Chaifetz Arena, pitting the Billikens against the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL) in a friendly scrimmage. My roommate and I started the game contentedly around half-court for much of the first half. However, by halftime, we were drawn to the student section bleachers that housed the SLUnatics, conveniently adjacent to the opposing teams’ bench. We immediately noticed that the first row was rather desolate, so we did what any proud Billiken would do by taking up space, joining the boisterous cheering and progressively losing our voices throughout the game. I had never felt more comfortable at SLU up to that point and finally felt like I had found something in college that I loved.

For the rest of the 2022-2023 basketball season, I sat in the front row for nearly every game and began to realize that I was making lifelong memories. From casually doing the pre-game Swag Surf with SLU President Fred Pestello, to winning $700 after completing the 3 Shot Challenge on the court, I made countless memories all season long which I will cherish for the rest of my life. I also made several new friends and experienced the highs and lows of a given basketball season with my fellow Billikens – something I did not truly appreciate until later in my college experience. In addition, my presence and dedication to SLUnatics planted the seeds for the other areas of involvement on campus that I would eventually discover.

“I think the biggest thing has been a confidence thing in you – definitely going from the freshman in the bleachers who was quieter than you are now to somebody [whose] not afraid to get other people involved,” SLUnatics President Sophia Siminow said. Siminow, a senior who’s been involved with the organization since her freshman year, is a clear example of the firsthand benefits that SLUnatics can provide for students. “It’s just the community – I feel so connected to SLU…It [SLUnatics] gave me my friend group, my community and stress relief. It’s my favorite thing to do when I’m not studying.”

Now, as a sophomore, I have realized that SLUnatics is much more than merely a student section, but rather a living, vibrant community that consistently brings unparalleled energy to Hermann Stadium or Chaifetz Arena. Today, I serve as the VP of Gameday Operations for SLUnatics, a role focused on strengthening our student sections through our infectious energy, captivating themes and roaring chants. Additionally, this year, I have attended much more than just SLU basketball games – as I regularly watch SLU volleyball games and bang the drum while leading the crowd at nearly every single men and women’s soccer match.

“SLUnatics contributes to the [athletic] success we’re having – a key part of the success that we’re having,” Saint Louis University President Dr. Fred Pestello said. “If you take a group like SLUnatics, these are our most devoted student fans…they help contribute to this pride and culture of the institution.” Pestello, in his 10th year serving as SLU’s first permanent lay President, often sits in the student section for much of the first half of SLU basketball games. “To me, it’s great fun. You can’t help but smile when you’re in there among those students who are having such a good time cheering on their school’s team and enjoying each other’s company.” Pestello finished, “[SLUnatics] makes me realize how special of a place this is. I just think it is a wonderful organization to have.”

Ironically enough, I have learned throughout this entire process that the core of being a SLUnatic extends much farther beyond the numbers on the scoreboard at the end of the game, or even the win-loss column at the end of a season. Instead, the identity of a SLUnatic lies in those shared moments, the friendships that are forged and the sense of belonging that engulfs a student whenever they willingly join that vibrant community. SLUnatics has truly revolutionized my experience at SLU, while also providing a regular, distracting mental health break from a taxing day or week. 

“SLUnatics is the heart and soul when it comes to the energy [of SLU sports],” Andrae’Co “Dre’Co” Craig said. Dre’Co, a SLU alumnus, is a local rapper and entertainer who serves as the electric MC at all SLU basketball games. “We can really change the game,” Dre’Co said. “Don’t miss it…Don’t be the one who missed it.”

So, whether you are a die-hard sports aficionado or have never watched a single game, I extend a warm invitation to become a part of the heartbeat of Saint Louis University. Because, at the end of the day, we are all united as SLUnatics, long after the final whistle blows. 

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