‘Gaza Solidarity Occupation’ at USC — live updates


‘Gaza Solidarity Occupation’ at USC — live updates

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  • (Christina Chkarboul / Daily Trojan)
  • (Christina Chkarboul / Daily Trojan)
  • (Bianca B. Arzán Montañez / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)
  • (Elizabeth Kunz / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)



📌 PINNED | April 25, 2024 12:07 p.m.
Elizabeth Kunz, Jonathan Park, David Rendon, Christina Chkarboul & Zachary Whalen; Talia Wexler, Eva Hartman, Nathan Elias, Jennifer Nehrer & Sasha Ryu from the newsroom; photos by Henry Kofman

Pro-Palestine organizations staged a short-lived “Gaza Solidarity Occupation” at Alumni Park, the latest in a national wave.

An encampment for Gaza began Wednesday morning at Alumni Park, according to a press release from the USC Divest from Death Coalition. The group plans to continue its “Gaza Solidarity Occupation” until the University meets the demands outlined in the coalition’s release.

“We, the USC Divest from Death Coalition, establish our occupation most fundamentally in solidarity with the people of Palestine as they resist genocide and continue in their struggle for liberation,” the group wrote in a mission statement.

The announcement adds USC to a growing list of universities rocked by similar pro-Palestine encampment protests across the United States. Columbia University was the first to see tents pitched on its property April 17, a practice that soon spread to other East Coast campuses, the University of Michigan and, just recently, UC Berkeley.

“USC’s funding of the ongoing genocide perpetuated by the zionist entity is reflective of maintaining imperialist interests abroad, as well as solidifying the shared ideology of amerikan and zionist institutions in preserving racialized oppression,” said one unnamed organizer, according to the group’s press release. “To not stand in opposition to the expressly racist violence here and abroad is to ignore the calls for solidarity demanded by the majority of the world.”

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2:03 p.m.
Christina Chkarboul, Elizabeth Kunz & Zachary Whalen, Daily Trojan

Two Gaza Solidarity Occupation organizers, both students who chose not to disclose their identities for fear of retribution, addressed a group of reporters and answered questions in the group’s first public address since Wednesday’s all-day “Gaza Solidarity Occupation” at Alumni Park. The organizers said Department of Public Safety and Los Angeles Police Department officers “disrupted and escalated [their] peaceful protest … with inexplicable violence and egregious rights violations.”

Directing media attention to the “genocide of the people of Palestine” is a top priority for the coalition, the organizers said. They said the group will continue to speak out and demonstrate to “demand that USC is no longer complicit in this internationally recognized illegal occupation and genocide.”

(Christina Chkarboul / Daily Trojan)

12:30 p.m.
Zachary Whalen, Breaking News Writer

The USC Gaza Solidarity Occupation will hold a press conference in five minutes in front of Rock and Reilly’s to “provide an overview of their platform” and give news outlets the chance to ask questions. The conference was originally set to be at Herbert Plaza, but was changed due to the Seder for hostages in Gaza taking place in the same location.

12:06 p.m.
Christina Chkarboul, Associate Managing Editor

The USC Divest From Death Coalition will host a press conference at 1 p.m. at Gavin Herbert Plaza Thursday to “address the intentions and demands of our Gaza Solidarity Occupation.” The group wrote in its announcement of the conference that there would be “an opportunity for questions and answers.” The Daily Trojan will report live from the event.

APRIL 25, 2024 12:00 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

All 93 protesters who were arrested have been released, Jail Support LA announced at 11 a.m. this morning.

9:30 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

The University Park Campus “will remain closed to anyone without proper USC identification or verifiable business purpose, at least through the weekend,” the Office of the Senior Vice President for Administration wrote in a communitywide email — “similar to our weeknight and weekend entry protocols.”

9:29 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

A section of Childs Way is still closed off as police process the remaining arrested protesters.

9:14 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

Even the police are gone from Alumni Park. Reporters are also leaving. Only the trash, and a table from earlier with snacks and drinks, remains.

9:03 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

Inside the Trousdale North Entrance, a swarm of police are looking out the locked gates, where roughly 100 protesters are still standing. Los Angeles Police Department officers are making more arrests.

Somewhere in the crowd, a drum continues to beat.

(Jonathan Park / Daily Trojan)

8:58 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

Some of the protesters arrested are still here and are being escorted single file, their hands tied behind them with zip ties.

With those demonstrators taken away, all that’s left at Alumni Park is a group of some 50 police officers, a few reporters and trash strewn about on the lawn.

(Jonathan Park / Daily Trojan)

8:40 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

Police are moving to arrest the remaining protesters, who had moved from Alumni Park to the stairs at Crow Center for International and Public Affairs.

8:17 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

At this point, all of the protesters that had been in that center circle have been arrested. When we last spoke to the LAPD, it had no information about how many were arrested and where they were taken.

It looks like police are looking to clear Trousdale Parkway and arrest the protesters still remaining.

6:44 p.m.
Bianca B. Arzán Montañez, Spanish Supplements Editor

Protesters are stepping forward one by one and standing with their arms behind their back at Alumni Park as they turn themselves over to Los Angeles Police Department officers.

6:40 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

An hour removed from the Department of Public Safety’s 10-minute warning, protesters and onlookers show no sign of leaving. On the steps of the Medicine Crow Center for International and Public Affairs, stacks of water bottles, pizza and other snacks await those willing to stay.

(Jonathan Park / Daily Trojan)

6:36 p.m.
Nathan Elias, News Editor

UPC campus is closed, a TrojansAlert message read. Those who are on campus will be able to leave according to the alert.

6:26 p.m.
Nicholas Corral, Assistant News Editor

Another segment of about 50 protesters are blocking traffic at the intersection of Jefferson Boulevard and Hoover Street. Department of Public Safety officers are telling individuals to leave Alumni Park via Trousdale North Entrance, which meets at the blocked intersection, or face arrest for trespassing.

(Sarah Ruiz / Daily Trojan)

6:19 p.m.
Nathan Elias, News Editor

Protesters remain with linked arms in the center of Alumni Park. Los Angeles Police Department officers have begun making arrests, and set up a booking table by Tommy Trojan.

Officers have been involved in physical altercations with protesters on the steps of the Crow Center for International and Public Affairs, where protesters had moved to avoid being arrested. A portion of the protesters have moved up Trousdale Parkway along DPS’ cleared path. Additional groups of LAPD officers have come from the south of campus to reinforce officers in Alumni Park.

5:58 p.m.
Nathan Elias, News Editor

Los Angeles Police Department officers are now moving down Trousdale Parkway to clear Alumni Park. LAPD will arrest people in Alumni Park who do not disperse, a TrojansAlert announcement read.

5:37 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

A helicopter overheard repeats the warning that those who remain in Alumni Park will be arrested for trespassing as Los Angeles Police Department officers enter with rubber bullet launchers, zip ties and tear gas.

Protesters are locking arms in anticipation of arrests as Department of Public Safety Chief Lauretta Hill’s 10 minute warning has run out. As some 100 remain on Alumni Park, the chants, including “Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest,” ring out over and over again. About another 100, now watching on the sidelines, are chanting “Free, free, free Palestine” in support.

(Sasha Ryu / Daily Trojan)

5:26 p.m.
Jennifer Nehrer, News Assignments Editor

At least 50 Los Angeles Police Department officers are moving onto campus and towards the protest with riot gear and rubber bullet launchers.

  • (Christina Chkarboul / Daily Trojan)
  • (Nicholas Corral / Daily Trojan)
  • (Nicholas Corral / Daily Trojan)

5:14 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

A Department of Public Safety vehicle has positioned itself facing the encampment. DPS Chief Lauretta Hill announced that protesters have 10 minutes to leave Alumni Park before they would be arrested and charged with criminal trespassing.

(Jonathan Park / Daily Trojan)

4:52 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

The greenery splitting Trousdale Parkway has emerged as a sort of border between the ongoing protest and pro-Israel spectators. Tensions were at risk of spilling over just now after a heated verbal altercation between a protestor and a spectator, though the argument did not escalate. 

4:32 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

Department of Public Safety officers confiscated multiple protesters’ belongings earlier in the afternoon, a source involved said, when the students initially refused to clear the area.

4:10 p.m.
Christina Chkarboul, Associate Managing Editor

Provost Andrew Guzman has given academic deans the discretion to decide whether to hold classes in person or move them online for the rest of the week, a University spokesperson wrote in a statement to the Daily Trojan.

Correction: A previous update misstated that all undergraduate classes have been moved online Thursday. There has been no Universitywide decision to move classes online at this point. This article was updated at 4:07 p.m. to reflect that academic deans have the discretion to move classes online or keep in-person classes for the rest of the week.

3:41 p.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

For several minutes now, the usual chants have rung: “Free, free, free Palestine.” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” “From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever.” “Intifada revolution.

3:32 p.m.
Christina Chkarboul, Associate Managing Editor

Los Angeles Police Department officers stationed by the dozen at the intersection of Vermont Avenue and 36th Place have zip ties, batons and 40mm less-lethal launchers on hand. The latter use sponge baton rounds for crowd control.

(Christina Chkarboul / Daily Trojan)

3:15 p.m.
Christina Chkarboul, Associate Managing Editor

Department of Public Safety officers are now circling the perimeter of Alumni Park wearing helmets. Los Angeles Police Department officers appear to be heading to the site of the demonstration from off of the west side of campus. 

3:09 p.m.
Christina Chkarboul, Associate Managing Editor

Department of Public Safety officers in Alumni Park are assembling a stronger perimeter around the site, moving north on campus.

2:24 p.m.
Talia Wexler, Breaking News Writer

“USC Hillel stands with Jewish students. While students have a right to protest, they do not have the right to intimidate or threaten Jewish students,” wrote Dave Cohn, Executive Director of USC Hillel and Rachel Cohen, Assistant Director of USC Hillel in an email Wednesday. “No student should feel unwelcome in their own campus home, and our Jewish students are telling us that these actions and this hostile rhetoric induce feelings of fear, terror, and instability.”

Cohn and Cohen also said they are calling upon Hillel’s campus partners to address instances of intimidation during the demonstration.

2:20 p.m.
Elizabeth Kunz, Breaking News Writer

The steps of the Annenberg School for Communication building, the Grace Ford Salvatori Hall, and Department of Public Security cars have been vandalized with green messages saying “Free Palestine” and “Let Gaza Live.” 

2:20 p.m.
Eva Hartman, Magazine Editor

Classrooms are being locked in buildings including the Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow Center for International and Public Affairs and Vivian Hall, in addition to Leavey and Doheny Libraries. Daily Trojan staff were refused entry to the Student Union unless escorted by a faculty member.

2:13 p.m.
Jennifer Nehrer, News Assignments Editor

Campus gates have been closed in order to “restrict growth of the protest and keep the rest of the campus calm,” according to a Universitywide email from Provost Andrew Guzman.

12:46 p.m.
Jennifer Nehrer, News Assignments Editor

Two TrojansAlert messages have been issued encouraging students to avoid the center of campus. Entrances to campus and USC Village are now limited to after-hours locations. Many campus buildings now require card access to enter or have officers stationed outside.

12:28 p.m.
Nathan Elias, News Section Editor

Protestors marched around Alumni Park, chanting “Free Palestine” and “Disclose, Divest. We will not stop, we will not rest.” Some are holding a series of signs in the park’s center that, together, read “LET GAZA LIVE.”

Department of Public Safety officers lined up around the lawn as the protesters chanted.

  • (Elizabeth Kunz / Daily Trojan)
  • (Elizabeth Kunz / Daily Trojan)

12:21 p.m.
Nicholas Corral, Assistant News Editor

Protesters largely returned to the park after the Department of Public Safety released the student from custody. They chanted “The people united will never be defeated.”

12:09 p.m.
Sasha Ryu, News Section Editor

Campus buildings, including the Student Union and the Alumni Center, are being locked after violence erupted at the demonstration.

12:01 p.m.
Elizabeth Kunz, Breaking News Writer

Department of Public Safety has released the student that they had previously taken into custody after shouts of “let him go” and protestors blockading the DPS car that he was being held in. As the student was released, protestors began to chant “The people united will never be defeated.”

11:54 a.m.
Nicholas Corral, Assistant News Editor

DPS officers crossed Trousdale to Bovard Auditorium and entered the park. They seized multiple protester tents. Protesters have begun lifting tents off the ground and marching them around Alumni Park to prevent their seizure.

11:53 a.m.
Nicholas Corral, Assistant News Editor

Department of Public Safety officers appear to have detained one student in a DPS vehicle parked on Trousdale Parkway. Protesters have been blocking the vehicle from leaving with their bodies and chanting “Let him go.” There have been repeated physical altercations between protesters and DPS officers.

Los Angeles Police Department officers are on the scene and a helicopter is overhead but no LAPD officers have been seen interacting with protesters.

(Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)

11:27 a.m.
Nicholas Corral, Assistant News Editor

Around 20 Department of Public Safety officers moved from Bovard Auditorium into the park, taking some tents from the park as some protesters lifted their tents off the ground to prevent their seizure.

DPS officers have now moved back across Trousdale to Bovard Auditorium.

(Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)

11:12 a.m.
David Rendon, Breaking News Writer

The protestors have begun to set up canopies and tents with signs. Large numbers of DPS have gathered by Bovard Auditorium and are watching the event, protestors continue their speeches on megaphone.

“I’m proud of what you’re doing. I want to end on the message of solidarity,” said Viet Thanh Nguyen, Aerol Arnold Chair of English, at the encampment. “That we are not protesting only as individuals [but] as part of a collective, as part of a movement to defend people to defend Palestinians to defend Gaza.”

11:12 a.m.
Nicholas Corral, Assistant News Editor

Protesters have been informed by Department of Public Safety officers that there is an event scheduled at Alumni Park, though they did not give additional details. The Daily Trojan could not confirm the nature and time of the event.

Officers said organizers for the other event need to be able to set up in the park and offered the Trousdale North Entrance by USC Village as an alternative protest site. 

10:17 a.m.
Nicholas Corral, Assistant News Editor

Department of Public Safety officers have informed the protesters that the Student Handbook does not allow for amplified sound on campus.

The officers said if a megaphone is used again they will confiscate it. Protesters chanted “Free free Palestine” at the officers as they walked to the edge Alumni Park.

The Student Handbook says that amplified sound is that over 90 decibels when 50 feet from the source.

“To maintain the academic environment at the university, the use of amplified sound equipment in open areas must be approved by Trojan Event Services,” reads the handbook.

Protesters have begun using a megaphone again to lead chants.

(Nicholas Corral / Daily Trojan)

8:54 a.m.
Nathan Elias, News Section Editor

Department of Public Safety officers and protesters are now taking down their signs from trees and lampposts after an officer informed them that they had five minutes to begin taking down signs before DPS would remove them by force and confiscate them to be picked up at an unspecified later time.

  • (Elizabeth Kunz / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)
  • (Henry Kofman / Daily Trojan)

7:38 a.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor & Henry Kofman, Deputy Photo Editor

Half an hour into the official start of the protest, Student Affairs is relaying through Department of Public Safety officers that protesters are not allowed to hang signs on trees, between trees, on lampposts or with poles stuck in the ground, and if not taken down willingly, they will be taken down by force. There are currently at least 17 signs hung from trees or lampposts. Demonstrators are allowed to hold signs by hand, the officers said.

7:27 a.m.
Nathan Elias, News Section Editor

Demonstrators posted an agenda of the day’s planned events at the encampment, including arts activities, discussions on topics including “Black x Palestinian Solidarity” and “Reporting on Palestine,” and a vigil as the day winds down.

(Zachary Whalen / Daily Trojan)

7:00 a.m.
Jonathan Park, Digital Managing Editor

It’s a quiet morning so far at Alumni Park, as about 30 protesters are camping on a section of the lawn with tarps, blankets and signs tied to trees nearby. A pair of signs hanging on a rope reads: “GAZA SOLIDARITY OCCUPATION,” and “POPULAR UNIVERSITY for GAZA.” Another sign claims the area as a “Liberated Zone.”

So far, there are no tents or stakes on the ground — a stark contrast from other encampment protests we’ve seen so far.

We’re seeing a few people with hats reading “National Lawyers Guild Legal Observers.” DPS presence has scaled down from earlier this morning, with just one vehicle and two officers standing by at a distance.


The post ‘Gaza Solidarity Occupation’ at USC — live updates appeared first on Daily Trojan.

Read more here: https://dailytrojan.com/2024/04/25/gaza-solidarity-occupation-to-at-alumni-park-live-updates/
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