SJP rallies behind graduate member following disciplinary hearing

Jose Gonzalez-Campelo/The Cougar

On Tuesday, Students for Justice in Palestine HTX said that UH is withholding the diploma of a recent graduate and long-time SJP member, Omar Kanaan, but the University denies it. 

UH has summoned the graduate to a disciplinary hearing where they have the ability to withhold the degree, diploma and transcript. In a rare occurrence, the degree can be declared as not valid.

UH records indicate that Kanaan graduated with a bachelor’s degree in May, according to Associate Vice Chancellor and Associate Vice President of Media Relations Shawn Lindsey.

SJP is asking supporters to sign a petition to urge the board to reconsider their undue penalties and support the SJP members as they continue to stand for Palestine. 

“By attempting to punish Omar so harshly, the university risks creating a climate of fear among students who might otherwise engage in activism and advocacy,” the petition said. “His future, including his academic and professional prospects, hangs in the balance.”

The Cougar will continue to provide updates on this issue as more information becomes available.

SJP rallies behind graduate member following disciplinary hearing” was originally posted on The Cougar

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