USC will not discipline professor for viral remarks on Hamas


USC will not discipline professor for viral remarks on Hamas

The University dismissed all student complaints against professor John Strauss telling students participating in a pro-Palestinian walkout and march that “Hamas are murderers … Every one should be killed, and I hope they all are.”




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The University decided that Professor Strauss will not be disciplined for his remarks and dismissed all student complaints against him. Strauss will teach a full course load in the fall. (trojansforpalestine, uscscale via Instagram. Modified.)



USC ended its investigation into Professor John Strauss, who told students participating in a pro-Palestinian walkout and march that “Hamas are murderers … Every one should be killed.” The University decided that Professor Strauss will not be disciplined for his remarks and dismissed all student complaints against him. Strauss will teach a full course load in the fall.

In an interview with the Daily Trojan, Strauss said that he was “very pleased and relieved” with the decision, but that he wished the University had arrived at it sooner.

“What I’m not happy with the administration about is the fact that they let [the investigation] drag on so long, they could have stopped it earlier but they chose not to. I was angry about that,” Strauss said.

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Strauss said that the months-long investigation had been “somewhat worrying,” but that “my lawyer and I always thought it would end up that I would be acquitted and charges would be dismissed.”

He said that the process of the investigation was made easier by the support of Jewish students and faculty on campus.“Students, particularly Jewish students, would stop me on campus … and thank me for what I had done. I had an enormous amount of support from the Jewish community on campus, especially, which I was very thankful for,” Strauss said.



The post USC will not discipline professor for viral remarks on Hamas appeared first on Daily Trojan.

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