Letter to the Editor: Northrop Bathrooms

Dear Riley Stern and Campus Caucus,

We at Northrop are so pleased to hear that you appreciate the “clean, spacious and inviting” Northrop bathrooms! All of Northrop takes pride in being a welcoming and comfortable place for students, patrons coming to a performance, and the entire campus community to study, hang out, meet friends, take grad pics, view a show, or … visit the restrooms!

We couldn’t agree more that “Students, staff and faculty of all identities should be able to see how incredible the Northrop bathrooms are,” which is why Northrop has gender-inclusive bathrooms on three floors. Northrop invites, welcomes, and honors people of all abilities to engage with and enjoy our programs and spaces in an inclusive, accessible environment, and so provides a wide-range of accessible services.

Please stop in any time during open hours to check your outfit in a bathroom mirror and attend the Northrop Open House on Sep 12 to see all that Northrop has to offer besides great restrooms!


Michele Miller

Communications Manager


Read more here: https://mndaily.com/285428/opinion/letter-to-the-editor-northrop-bathrooms/
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