Suicide prevention month resources for UMaine students

Originally Posted on The Maine Campus via UWIRE

Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for 1.6 million reported suicide attempts in 2022, according to data from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). Mental health is a pervasive issue across the nation, which impacts individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

The American Psychological Association (APA) highlighted the unique mental health challenges faced by college students. An article published on Oct. 12, 2022 reported that “more than 60% of students met criteria for one or more mental health problems.” This is a staggering 50% increase since 2013. These findings, gathered from schools across the nation, underscore the growing mental health crisis among young adults.

The article explained how colleges face difficulty meeting increased demand for mental health treatment:

“The number of students seeking help at campus counseling centers increased almost 40% between 2009 and 2015, and continued to rise until the pandemic began. Yet that rising demand hasn’t been matched by a corresponding rise in funding.”

Colleges are beginning to look into alternative methods of outreach in response. The major obstacles in successful outreach are working it into students schedules, decreasing stigma and spreading the information across demographics. UMaine Counseling Center Outreach coordinator and Therapist Julia Vicaire must navigate all of these challenges. To her, all of this is worth the impact that is made when working with students.

“It’s cool to just see students in their element and [to] know we’re working to make their college experience about more than academics–helping them learn about themselves and explore new experiences,” Vicaire said.

The solution for the mental health crisis may be complex, but the UMaine Counseling Center works to overcome this with their passion for helping students succeed in their element.

“[We’re] excited to see you leave and use the skills and you know you can always come back,” Vicaire said. “But we’re excited that you’re in a place where you feel confident and capable of managing all that life can throw at you.”

The UMaine counseling center is a resource open to all students and access to services is part of tuition students pay.

“No problem is too big or too small. If we can’t help you with a problem, we will connect you with somebody who can”, said Vicaire.

There is no waitlist or cost for appointments. Vicaire urges students to take advantage of it.

“This developmental stage of college brings a lot of unique experiences; adjusting to a new environment, figuring out who you are outside of your family. All of this can trigger anxiety. It’s exciting, but can be overwhelming,” says Vicaire.

Outside the UMaine campus, Bangor’s local (ASFP) chapter has been raising awareness within the community for suicide prevention. UMaine Alumni Dominique Dispirito, a board member of Maine AFSP and chair of the Bangor Out of the Darkness walk, spoke as the guest speaker at the first UMaine Student Government meeting of the 2024-25 academic year.

“I got involved when I saw a flyer in my dorm hall,” Dominique said. “I lost my dad to suicide in 2015, and the program helped me connect to resources. It’s an epidemic that’s not theoretical—people we love can face suicidal ideation. It’s a serious issue”.

Dominique has been involved in the Bangor AFSP chapter since her time as a UMaine student, graduating in the class of 2022. Her story inspired many students at UMaine to get involved with the foundation. She urges everyone at UMaine to consider supporting AFSP’s efforts in suicide prevention and to remember—”You are not alone.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out for support. The UMaine Counseling Center provides confidential counseling services and resources to help students navigate challenges.

For more information, visit their website or call 207-581-1392, available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

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