Will students travel to away games?

Originally Posted on Daily Emerald via UWIRE

On July 29, the University of Oregon officially joined the Big Ten Conference athletic division. The Big Ten consists of 18 teams that are located at schools all over the United States. 

This football season, the Ducks will travel across the country to play Purdue University in Indiana, University of Michigan and University of Wisconsin. 

Students who want to attend away games this year will likely have to make arrangements for flights and places to stay across the country, rather than road trips. This leaves some students to decide if they want to spend the money it will take to travel to gameday venues.

UO junior Nick Toohey, a lifelong University of Michigan fan, felt that the change to the Big Ten made him want to travel more across the country to watch the Ducks play. 

“With UO joining the Big Ten, it makes me want to travel more,” Toohey said. “But that’s because I grew up as a fan of Big Ten football.” 

Other students felt differently.  

UO junior Stephanie Popp felt excited about the change of the Big Ten and to see the Ducks play at Autzen, but due to the high costs, she cannot afford to go to these games. 

“I am excited that Oregon is joining the Big Ten. It will be fun to watch the Ducks play good teams at Autzen,” Popp said. “But I wish that some of our away games were closer to Eugene. As a college student, I cannot afford to travel to these games.” 

UO junior Elliott Crowder said he is excited to see the Ducks play in the Big Ten, but apprehensive about travel costs.

“Growing up a Ducks fan, some of my favorite memories have come from watching the Ducks in the biggest games and the biggest moments,” Crowder said. “Joining the Big Ten, I’m so excited to see the Ducks play against programs across the country.” 

According to Crowder, he was willing to travel the distance like he has done in the past, but after the schedule of the games was released, he changed his mind. 

“I was willing to go to pretty much any game within driving distance, but now you pretty much have to fly halfway across the country, which is extremely expensive,” Crowder said. 

Plane tickets from Eugene to Ann Arbor, Mich., where UM is located, are over $300. Tickets for the game start at $111. 

According to Crowder, the Ducks can expect a smaller student section for away games this year compared to years prior.

“A huge game like at Michigan or Ohio State would still have demand, but will probably have much less fans at them than past Pac-12 [Conference] games,” Crowder said. “For many families I’ve talked to, away games have gone from a weekend trip to a cross-country vacation.” 

Read more here: http://dailyemerald.com/151523/features/will-students-travel-to-away-games/
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