It is so easy to feel like you don’t belong at a school like this

Originally Posted on The University News via UWIRE

Do I belong… anywhere?

At a school like  SLU, I ask myself that question a lot. When you are in an environment where the overwhelming majority of people come from the suburbs, wealth and private Christian all-girls/boys high schools, it is incredibly easy to find yourself feeling like an outcast. You might even have some of those things and still feel like an outcast. I get that. We all have our reasons for telling ourselves we do not belong here — not rich enough, smart enough, normal enough.

I wrote in the margins of my notes today: “I moved schools 8 times and houses/apartments 7 times. Before me, my mom moved too many times to count. Before us, our ancestors were travelers — starting in India and landing in Italy, then, for some reason, here. Sometimes I wonder if this feeling that I do not belong is some kind of generational curse.”

Then, I remembered I am not the only one who has been made to feel like I am not good enough to be here.

In case you have not heard it recently… 

You deserve to be here just as much as everyone else.

Even if you feel like you are the only one here that is different, I promise you, you are not alone. This feeling is widespread for a reason — and it is because other people are out there who feel like they do not come from the “right” background. There are so many of us, and none of our upbringings look the same. 

So if you ever feel alone, branch out — you will find someone who does not fit the mold who made it through. I am a prime example, I graduate in May!

Do not let the things that make you exceptional be the reason why you quit. You belong here.

Did you hear me?

Do not let the things that make you exceptional be the reason why you quit.

You belong here.

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