Column: Locked-up Lohan

By Matt Liasse

The past two weeks have been a huge downfall for Lindsay Lohan, and even though she is attached to Hollywood’s fame and fortune, she is someone close in age with today’s college students.

It’s evident that the taste of fame destroyed the once cute little redhead that starred in “The Parent Trap.”

On July 6, Lohan was found in the courtroom (seemingly her second home these days), with filming the star’s every move for the enjoyment of everyone else. During the showdown, Lohan was sentenced to spend 90 days behind bars for violating her probation after being arrested two years ago for drunk driving, cocaine possession and endangering the lives of others.

Like so many other child stars before her, Lohan has fallen into the same boat, a life of misfortune after hitting the height of success before the age of 15. When success is given to someone that young, too much power comes with it. What bouncer is to deny a child access to a drug-reddened night club when their paychecks are bigger than they’ll ever see in their lifetime?

Lohan’s fate should be a surprise to no one. The sentence is a packaged deal with an enabler mother, a father who’s already spent time in the slammer and a less than squeaky clean friend-list, including party-girl Paris Hilton.

Lohan is following in the footsteps of other very popular child stars that lost control of their lives at a very young age.

After starring in “E.T.,” Drew Barrymore landed in rehab at the young age of 13. Macaulay Culkin was part of some of the biggest movies (“Home Alone,” “My Girl,”) but also made headlines for substance abuse and a relationship with Michael Jackson that raised eyebrows. And “Growing Pains” star Tracey Gold battled anorexia publicly while being one of America’s cherished children.

Although it may be entertaining for us viewers to watch, these are actual lives being spun out of control. It may be because of bad decisions made by the star, but it could also be said that fame ruins the road these children walk on. Which is one of the reasons that it makes me sick when I see celebrities exploiting their children on the cover of US Weekly.

So, should we feel badly for Lohan? Not one bit. If you step out of line, consequences are inevitable. And Lohan has stepped out of line plenty of times with just a slap on the wrist. And although I think it was totally rock’n’roll to paint “F*** U” on her middle fingernail while in court, it’s evident that the law slapped her right back in her place.

But ruling Lohan out shouldn’t be done just yet.

Her troubles only leave room for a comeback. Just take a look at Robert Downey Jr. He’s on top of the world right now when just a few years ago, he was on the other end of the game of fame because of illegal substances.

There may just be a Mean Girls 2, after all.

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