Editorial: Online social networking – a good and bad thing

By Daily Eastern News Editorial Board

Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and so many other social networking sites consume our lives- Online and offline.

Facebook is the biggest concern for college students.

Students put their lives online for everyone to see without really thinking about it.

As college students, they need to make sure they are being safe and actually thinking about what they put online.

Whether it’s pictures from drinking in a dorm room or a video of a twenty-first birthday party, students need to remember that anyone can look at them.

On Facebook, there are privacy settings which can block others from looking at students’ profiles, pictures and even keep strangers from searching them.

These privacy settings can be helpful from having students’ information and photos out there for the whole world to see, but after a few months these settings go back to the original settings, which Facebook lays out.

Students need to also consider how many friends they really need on Facebook. Honestly, how many of those people do they actually consider their friend?

Most people have at least 100 people on their Facebook that they could delete and not feel bad about it.

The Daily Eastern News advises students to really think about what they put on Facebook, delete your non-friends, and take a look at the privacy settings. These few tips could make your Facebook as professional as it can get.

It may be a shame for students to admit they still have a MySpace, but I’m sure some people still do, and some may still use it.

MySpace can be a great place for checking out new bands and keeping track of friends without Facebook, but students need to make sure that there are no old pictures that are accessible for everyone to see.

Future employers will search students on social mediums and old pictures and things on their MySpace could keep you from getting a job that you would have otherwise gotten.

LinkedIn is a way for students to get themselves on the web in a strictly professional manner.

In last Tuesday’s issue of The Daily Eastern News, an article about LinkedIn said that students can link with other professionals in their field.

LinkedIn basically puts students’ resume on the web with a professional headshot.

Students need to be more aware of what they put online. Our professors who are friends with us on Facebook don’t want to see what all of us did last weekend.

Students need to think about future employers and think about if they would want to see what they are about to post.

Read more here: http://media.www.dennews.com/media/storage/paper309/news/2010/07/20/Opinions/Staff.Editorial.Online.Social.Networking.A.Good.And.Bad.Thing-3923655.shtml
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