Memorial service set for Malone sisters

By Reilly Moore

The campus-wide memorial service for Jamie and Paige Malone will be held on Saturday August 28 from 2-3:30 p.m.

U. Richmond Chaplain Craig Kocher sent an e-mail to faculty and students about the service, which is reproduced below:

“The University community is invited to gather for a service to celebrate the lives of Jamie, ‘10, and Paige, ‘12, Malone, cherished members of the Richmond family whom we lost on July 15.

Please join the Malone family from 2–3:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 28, in Cannon Memorial Chapel for a service in remembrance of Jamie and Paige. Camp Concert Hall has been reserved for audience overflow. There will be a reception in Tyler Haynes Commons to follow. We hope the service will be as inclusive as possible––all are welcome.

A planning group of students and administrators is coordinating the service, and we’re inviting those who knew Jamie and Paige to get involved by sharing pictures or written memories that can be compiled and shown at the reception and later serve as a keepsake for the Malones. You may e-mail pictures and memories of Jamie and Paige to”

A prayer service was held on campus on the day of the Malone sisters’ funeral, but this full memorial service will include members of the compus community who were away on summer break.

The sisters were killed in a car accident on the Meadowbrook Parkway on Long Island on July 15, while they were on their way to work as counselors at a summer camp for the disabled.

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