GLOBAL spreads the love

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With 12 to a table and three minutes to talk, students launched into discussions ranging from favorite TV shows to bad habits during GLOBAL’s speed dating event Thursday in Multipurpose Room 1 at the Calhoun Lofts.

“Every year on Valentine’s Day, we invite our members and other students on campus to participate in our speed dating event. It is meant for our members to get to know each other better and also for them to meet other UH students who are not affiliated with GLOBAL,” said Huy Truong, business junior and GLOBAL president.

“It is also our organization’s way of celebrating love since it’s even harder for us queer folks to find it.”

For those who had trouble getting a conversation started, there were four pages each containing 10 questions taped that were at every other chair.

A couple of questions that were included are, “What is the weirdest Valentine’s Day gift you’ve ever received,” and “What is one thing I should know about you?”

“I enjoyed the speed dating activity because it gave me an opportunity to get to know more about the new GLOBAL members,” said Dulce Alonzo, an interdisciplinary studies alumna.

Alonzo was introduced to GLOBAL five years ago by a close friend.

“At some point, I felt Global was like a second home because when I attended the meetings, I also got to see my close friends and catch up on what was going on in our lives.”

“It’s more like speed friending for me, though,” Alonzo said.

“It’s a fun way for the members to get to know each other,” said Miranda James, German sophomore and GLOBAL’s webmaster.

Most students agree and feel as though this is a more casual, friend-type event, where they end up with more friends instead of ending with a date.

“I had a blast at GLOBAL’s speed dating event and went in the hopes of meeting new people and expanding my social circle as well as having a fun time with friends,” said Ramon Marquez, a chemical engineering junior.

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